Tangled Bank Blog Carnival Now Available

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The 87th edition of The Tangled Bank is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival is the original blog carnival that focuses on science, nature and medicine and it links to a variety of contributions that you will want to read.

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tags: blog carnivals, science, nature, medicine The 98th edition of the bi-weekly blog carnival, Tangled Bank, is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival focuses on linking to blog writing about science, nature and medicine, and they included something from me, too!
tags: blog carnivals, nature, science, medicine, tangled bank Good news, everyone; the 89th edition of The Tangled Bank blog carnival is now available for you to enjoy. Sorry I am late with this announcement, but you know, shit is what happens as you try to life your life.
tags: Tangled Bank, blog carnivals The 88th issue of Tangled Bank is now available for you to read. This blog carnival links to the best recent writing about nature, science and medicine in the blogosphere. Be sure to go there to explore the links they have!
tags: Friday Ark, blog carnivals The 169th edition of the Friday Ark is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival focuses on sharing animal photography, and they included several contributions from me!