Tangled Bank Blog Carnival Now Available

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Hey, good news, science geeks! The 82nd edition of the Tangled Bank blog carnival is now available for your reading pleasure. It is packed full of science-y goodness to satisfy even the most eclectic tastes.


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tags: tangled bank, blog carnival Hey you guys, the blog carnival that you've all been waiting for is now available for you to read and enjoy! The 90th edition of Tangled Bank is now available so go over there and see what science-y goodness the author has been able to collect.
tags: blog carnival, science, medicine, Tangled Bank For all you science and medicine fans, the 84th edition of Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. They even included one submission from me! Yippee!! Okay, go there are indulge yourself, cuz it's a good one (as always).
Tangled Bank is now available -- and on my birdday, too. How much better can things get, eh? For those of you who appreciate good science writing, this is the blog carnival for you! It is jam-packed with science-y goodness, including one entry from me (I sent them approximately 12 entries, but…
The Valentine's Day/Darwin Day edition of Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. Curiously, they did not link to the dozen or so stories I did send to them, but instead, chose to link to the latest edition of Birds in the News, a link I had not submitted for consideration. Hrm. .…

This endearing juxtaposition of a feminine appellation and the growlings of a territorial beast truly set my own heart aflutter, ...

As, indeed, it would.
