As If We Never Knew How Stupid Bush Is ..

If Gonzo is the best attorney in the United States, I have no faith for the future of the profession.

Ridiculously, the Bush White House referred to the lying scumbag, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, as "our No. 1 crime fighter" today, a day after Gonzales' often halting explanations for the firings of eight federal prosecutors brought additional demands for his resignation because he clearly was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"He has done a fantastic job in the Department of Justice," the brain-washed deputy press secretary Dana Perino told reporters traveling aboard Air Force One as President Bush headed for a speech in Michigan.

Gonzales went to Capitol Hill yesterday with just one mission: to placate Republican and Democratic senators dissatisfied with his account of how eight federal prosecutors were fired.

Apparently, he failed, despite one month of preparations. For the first time, Republicans on the Judiciary Committee broke ranks and said it might be best if Gonzales stepped down.

"It is generous to say the attorney general's communications about this matter have been inconsistent," Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., told a lying Gonzales in a packed hearing room Thursday. "The consequence should be the resignation of the attorney general."

Cited story.

More about Gonzo's poor performance.



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YOu mean he didn't say a Heckuva job???

It's no wonder that Bush thinks Gonzales is doing a "fantastic" job. He's doing just what he's supposed to do: make Bush look less incompetent by comparison.