Buh Bye, Bertie!

This just out: Alberto Gonzales has finally been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I wonder how long it will take before he does the honorable thing and resigns?

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several U.S. attorneys in a November meeting [italics mine], according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.

The Nov. 27 meeting, in which the attorney general and at least five top Justice Department officials participated, focused on a five-step plan for carrying out the firings of the prosecutors, Justice Department officials said late Friday [story].

To remind you of the lies and fabrications that Bertie spewed to Faux News one week ago;

"I knew my chief of staff was involved in the process of determining who were the weak performers -- where were the districts around the country where we could do better for the people in that district, and that's what I knew," Gonzales said last week. "But that is in essence what I knew about the process; was not involved in seeing any memos, was not involved in any discussions about what was going on. That's basically what I knew as the attorney general [italics mine]."

One of the fired US Attorneys was John McKay of Washington State, who was being considered for a promotion when he was sacked;

McKay revealed earlier this month that Rep. Doc Hasting's (R-WA) office contacted him and pressured him as to the status of an ongoing investigation into voter fraud in the midst of a tight gubernatorial election. Emails released this week show that then-Gonzales' chief of staff Kyle Sampson touted McKay for a federal judgeship, saying that it is "highly unlikely we could do better in Seattle." But one month later, McKay was listed as one of the seven attorneys in the process of being "pushed out." "What happened between those dates to reverse McKay's political fortunes is a bit of a mystery." [story].



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I knew it. I just knew it. He ought to be out on his ear for the torture memo, but if he can be ejected for this, then he should be. Whatever it takes.