I stumbled across a little test that diagnoses which world leader you are most like. Since I share my test results with you, (below the fold), I hope that you share yours with me. Yes, non-Americans can also take this test.
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Which leader are you?
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com
Last week's Casual Fridays study was inspired partially by reports we see in the mainstream media so often, proclaiming that Americans are ignorant about the rest of the world. If the rest of the world really is better than Americans at geography, then maybe they can beat us even on our home turf.…
This post on Pharyngula made me realize that most non-Americans really have no occasion to learn the names of U.S. states. As one commenter put it:
That map would be much more useful if it labeled the American states as well. The only ones I can pick off with real certainty are California, Texas,…
I don't quite know what this says, but I'm Albert Einstein. So, not an American, and not a leader either: more just someone people listened to.
Now, that makes me want to try the "Which supervillain are you?" test over on Pharyngula.
So according to this quiz you're so desperate for sexual release between meetings you'll coerce oral sex out of the nearest intern you think you have a chance with.
I like it.
I got JFK
Depending on the number of questions answered, I came out to be Einstein or Che Guevara.
BTW, the middle choice on all questions is JFK
Saddam Hussein. And no, that's not a joke. This probably means something, but I don't know what.
Abe Lincoln. Makes sense.
Well I'm not upset by it:o)
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com
Well, it's not American leaders. I came out as Gandhi. ??
Tim, I got Saddam Hussein too.
If you answer every question with Very Accurate, you get JFK. If you answer every one with Very Inaccurate you get Mother Teresa. I'm sure that means something. Answering every question with the middle option also gives you JFK strangely enough.
Che Guevara. "You wouldn't mind dying on the side of a mountain" ??? Dunno, but somehow I think I would.
I got Mother Teresa, with 18 questions. I like that.
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com
Since you asked:
"You are a detached intellectual whose ideas saved/will destroy the world. You are Einstein. You lead with your mind exploring the unknown and helping to invent the future of mankind."
Another Einstein here :p
Abe Lincoln. Anybody want my theater tickets?
I got Einstein. I never would have guessed he would be an answer for a world leader quiz.
Holy Crap! I'm another Hitler?! I'm paranoid but killing my enemies relieves my anxiety?! Welcome to 'the list', similarminds.com!
I'm a Leftist, a pragmatic Democrat, living in a sea of Red. Cunningham was my rep, and we replaced him with a lobbyist carpetbagging ex-rep from another district. I'm a letter writer, a vocal opposition, and ready to argue my points - as a minority.
I came out Hitler.
I took the leader test: Einstein
I took the movie test: Apocalypse Now
I took the supervillain test: Mr. Freeze
Those do not seem particularly consistent.
I got Einstein...