The Inner Life of a Cell

This is an amazing video that would work incredibly well in a biology classroom -- it shows the life cycle of an individual cell. It is accompanied by some fabulous music, too!


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It's very interesting, but (I'm not a biologist) could you prepare a list-alike what's going on?

i am away from the hospital library, where they have flash on their computers which allows me to see the video. so i will hope that my readers can fill you in on the details since who knows when i will get to go back to the library.

This is awesome!! My favorite part was the kinesin molecules "walking" the filaments. Thanks for writing about this!!

Exquisite! It has been many many years since I have taken a course in biology, yet the wonder never ceases. Is there any recommended text that would follow along with this? Something that is not too technical?...or maybe you could write an accompanying text?


By chardyspal (not verified) on 25 Nov 2006 #permalink

Many-many thanks for the script link.