Blog Carnivals Available

Several blog carnivals were published recently that you should take a look at.

For those of you who love birds, the 29th issue of I and the Bird was recently published. This blog carnival focuses on stories and photographs of wild birds and birdwatching.

The Carnival of Authors, Readers, and Writers, which presents the best writing available out there for all the readers and writers out there.

The 59th issue of Tangled Bank is also available. This blog carnival focuses on the best science, nature and medical writing on the internet.

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Okay, I am back in business after finally resolving the coding issue on my blog, thanks to kind advice from my blog sibling, Tim. Several blog carnivals have been published recently that will interest you. First, my favorite blog carnival, Tangled Bank, issue 47, was published by Kete Were.…
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Here's the latest blog carnivals that have been published; Carnival of the Vanities. This is the original blog carnival and it focuses on gathering together the best blog writing regardless of topic. I and the Bird, issue 90. This blog carnival focuses on discussions of wild birds and birdwatching…