Men With Brooms

MROW!! Brad Gushue has a standing invitation to sweep my apartment floors anytime!

Curling is the perfect sport. Seriously, what more can a grrl ask for? Curling features gorgeous men who are passionate about pushing heavy objects around with great precision and who are some sort of magician with a broom. Do I even need to point out the obvious relationship between excellent curling and successful househusbanding skills?

I have one suggestion, though. The Olympics commentators who use that cute little model of the curling field to describe the action should use miniature replicas of those stone markers that are made of chocolate instead of rock. Kinda like oversized M&Ms. Don't you agree?

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"A bird in the hand is safer than one overhead."

By biosparite (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink

Tilt! How did my comment get misplaced under the wrong caption? This was targeted at the fortune cookie generator. I don't even like guys with brooms.

By biosparite (not verified) on 25 Feb 2006 #permalink

well, i'm glad to learn that because otherwise, i'd have to arm-wrestle you for those amazing men and their er, brooms!

I love to participate in curling, we did it in high school! It is fun fun fun! Not so fun to watch, kinda like watching grass grow.

So, you say I should give up riding horses and take up curling in order to garner swooning adulation of the female members of the audience?

Love it! Love it! Couldn't quite put my finger on why I was fascinated watching this sport and it took an owl's insight once again to bring in the light.

GrrlScientist says:

Do I even need to point out the obvious relationship between excellent curling and successful househusbanding skills?

Yes, the men do sweep, but they don't put the sweepings in a dust-pan, so all that fine effort is lost.


Dave; ah, but you miss the point! if the er, "curler" doesn't put the sweepings into a dust pan, well, that just makes sweeping (and other domestic duties, i suppose) into a group sport. in fact, i don't have a problem with holding the dust pan, not at all! mrow! mrow mrow mrow!!

My 2-year old loves to watch "The 'Lympics" ice skating and dance around like a ballerina. When she found me watching curling she quipped "Daddy, that's not the 'Lympics that's the cleaning guys."

So there you go from the mouths of Babes - not a sport.