How well do you know the USA? I have linked to two quizzes that test your knowledge by having you place each state on a map of the USA. This quiz is especially difficult.
After you've taken that first quiz, try this one. My scores are below the fold ..
My scores:
first quiz; 62%, average error 104 miles 368 seconds.
second quiz; 96% average error 22 miles 296 seconds
Hardest state to place? Wyoming.
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first quiz: 66%, avg error 58 miles, 224 seconds
second quiz: 94%, avg error 12 miles, 180 seconds
The hardest state for me is always Kentucky for some reason. And Colorado never seems like it should be as far south as it is.
first quiz: 70% / 36 miles / 277 seconds
second quiz: 98% / 11 miles / 300 seconds
Colorado was the hardest for me. I had it too far north and west on both quizzes.
only had time for the first one... 74% (37 perfect), avg error of 43 miles, 576 seconds (work called :) i'll send you the screen capture, dev :)
And Colorado never seems like it should be as far south as it is.
never met anyone who isn't from colorado who doesn't feel this way. i think it is because we associate it with winter sports we assume it should be further north.
First: 76 Percent. 25 Miles.
Second: Too burned out to try.
I noticed ne big problem though. There was no Recycle Bin icon for dragging Texas into.
First quiz: 64%, avergae error 48 miles.
Second quiz: 98%, average error 5 miles.
first - 74%, 270 sec, forgot to write down avg error
second - 98%, 3 miles, 223 sec
A geography degree helped. Several beers beforehand didn't.
first quiz: 72%, average error 53 miles, 437 seconds
second quiz: 98%, average error 7 miles, 290 seconds
First quiz - 66%, Average error 63 miles, Time 639 sec.
Second quiz - 100%, Average error o miles.
First - 72%, avg error 40 miles, 437 secs.
Second - 100%, avg error 0 miles, 228 secs.
Hardest to place: Arkansas, Kansas.
First quiz: 80%, 35 miles, 331 secs.
Second quiz: 100%, 0 miles, 262 seconds.
The bodies of water and constant states help a lot on the second test.
Try Europe or Africa and really show American understanding of world geography....
my scores for Asia were much higher than my scores for the USA. i just thought you'd like to know that i am not totally hopeless.
First one: 78% / avg. error 22 miles / 504 sec.
Second: 100% / no errors / 341 sec.
I agree Kansas is hardest, if you don't have the Missouri River as a guideline.
First: 80% / avg. error 18 mi / 678 sec
Second: 96% / avg. error 3 mi / 389 sec
Got Colorado okay, but perhaps because I spend most summers there and tend to put it south where it belongs. Wyoming is easier if you've got Colorado. Now, off to be humbled by Africa and Europe.
American Ignorance, your links don't work for some reason. I see them in blue text, but they're not underlined, and when I click them, nothing happens.
Alon, here is the page of Asian geography games; the European one is here.
First: 80%, 23 miles - really hard to place the non-coastal states without having any landforms shown in the interior. Time was 566 sec because I was interrupted. Second: 100%, no errors, 364 sec. I managed to get all four of the Four Corners states lined up correctly on the first one.
Only took the first quiz and got 70%. If the map included a few rivers it would have been easier. I know what is on either side of the Mississippi. It would have help with Kansas and Missouri.
I also put Colorado much too far north.
34%, average error 394 miles, 671 seconds
84%, 374 seconds
All right for a Brit, I suppose. It's those rectangular states in the middle that are difficult to get. And the little fiddly ones in the Northeast. And who knew that Rhode Island isn't actually an island?
74% Avg error 43 miles 518 seconds
98% Avg error 4 miles 544 seconds