23-5 meme

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I was tagged with a meme by my good friend, Philaelaethes, author of Bouphonia. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that Phila is the man who single-handedly puts together the world-famous Friday Nudi Blogs, which recently began incorporating poetry (an especially fine touch, in my opinion). The meme goes like this;

1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

Despite the fact that more than one year has elapsed since I published my 23rd essay on my original blogger site, little has changed. In fact, my life is in the same depressing place it was then, as you can see from this, the fifth sentence, in that essay;

I wonder what I will think of when that glittering blade falls, forcing my life transition?

I'll leave it to you, my peeps, to read that particular essay if you truly wish to know what I was whining about. Otherwise, as they say at the scene of a car wreck, move along people, there is nothing to see!

As part of this meme, I am also charged with passing it on to five people (because I count on my fingers, I accidentally chose six), all of whom will probably either blow me off or never speak to me again. But I want to spread the meme wealth around, so I am going to highlight a few new blogs that I recently added to my blogroll or blogs that have been in my blogroll for awhile but don't get as much traffic as I think they should: Abstract Factory whose author is a grad student at my alma mater; Lillet, who is so sweet to me; Sandra, who has a lot to say about all sorts of things, so I hope this meme will get her started down the slippery path to navel gazing; John, another person who, I am sure, has some really interesting navel-lint, if only we could encourage him to share; Martin, because he is a grad student and therefore, needs something interesting to distract him from squidlings and other beasties; and last but not least, Julian, a Norwegian birder whom I'd like to learn more about.

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Lillet; be careful. if you get the reputation for answering memes in a timely manner, that's all you will be doing soon enough!

(joking; i actually enjoy memes for some weird and twisted reason. well, most of them).

Thanks for sharing the links. I enjoyed the blogs. I'll have to add them to my list of places to regularly visit.

I thought this sounded familiar, so I looked at my blog archives and found an entry dated 03 May 2004 that had my response to these exact steps.

Six fingers? Given that this phenotype is on a dominant gene, it's not unknown. Are you a for-true polydactyl?

Torris; thanks for visiting them. i hope to encourage more people to remain in the blogosphere by sending new readers their way.

clvrmnky; i am not polydactyl, my comment was an amusing (to me) little experiment that i was conducting. i slipped that in to learn how carefully people read my commentaries. i am known to conduct these "little experiments" this from time to time.

thanks for answering the meme, Sandra! i liked your 23-5 sentence better than mine, too.