These heat waves are global warming connected

It really is true that global warming has made heat waves more common and more severe. The heat wave last month that affected the American southwest was one of these. Yet, of the 433 local broadcast events in local TV affiliates in Phoenix and Las Vegas to mention the heatwave (which was current news at the time) only one event mentioned a climate change connection, and that was to downplay it.

Similarly, governments are ignoring the connection.

This is the people who are supposed to help or at least disseminate correct information, letting everyone down for, I assume, political reasons. Shame on them.

Media Matters has a more detailed analysis here.

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These are the people that will cause the biosphere to become inhospitable to most life..

By Doug Alder (not verified) on 05 Jul 2017 #permalink

These heat waves are part of global warming, climate change and earth change. Poles and glaciers are melting with increasing speed, leading to an accelerating downfall of huge masses of land ice of the Antarctic. This is the fuse which leads to a change of earth crust and the forming new poles. this has been thoroughly described by professor Charles Hapgood in 'the path of the poles', first print 1958, with a foreword of Albert Einstein. In 1984 - 2005 a Dutch medium, Kees de Haar, received detailed predictions form above, which add to Hapgoods analysis and planet forecast. It is a natural phenomenon, which has happened countless times, with one difference, that in this antropoceen era mankind has speeded up this process by heating earth, oceans and atmosphere. I wrote about it on this blog several times. The study I wrote about these predictions, including a hypothesis how the rather sudden change of interglacial to glacial I described in Book I, the main work. Book II contains the sources and a commentary. Book III is about evidence and rebuttal. It is mainly in Dutch and partly English. It is not only about climate change is earth change, but also about four other stages of the apocalypse of earth. Financial-economic, war and terrorism, migration, the disrespect for God, Christ, nature, people, life and planet. I expect the books to be printed soon. We are in the first part of this apocalypse. Donald Trump and other world leaders play with fire by promoting heat producing industry, nuclear power and radioactive bombs. It will only lead to disasters for uncountable people. People like Trump can troll and curse what they want, but it will not change earth's course a bit. Laren NH, Wednesday 5th. July 2017, 22.19 PM DT.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 05 Jul 2017 #permalink

"This is the fuse which leads to a change of earth crust and the forming new poles."

Bullshit from a woo peddler who wanted fame and your fortune.

"this has been thoroughly described by professor Charles Hapgood in ‘the path of the poles’, first print 1958, "

Nope, it hasn't. That is a load of crap. Just look at the rapturists who similarly claim that these events are foretold by their holy book. It's as legitimate as this one. IOW a load of shite.

"In 1984 – 2005 a Dutch medium, Kees de Haar, received detailed predictions form above"

Nope,this dude pulled it out of his arse.

"It is a natural phenomenon, which has happened countless times"


"Book III is about evidence and rebuttal"

Nope, all three books are bollocks.

" of the apocalypse of earth. Financial-economic, war and terrorism, migration, the disrespect for God, Christ"

Bullshit. Terrorism micration and war have been about for, oooh, 4000 years or more. And both god and christ are fictions. Myths.

Of course, those peddling woo for their profit and ego will have no recourse but to bluster and bull their way past any actual proof of their claims or the error of those who aren't buying.

After all, if you don't control the information, how can you peddle a pig in a poke?


By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 05 Jul 2017 #permalink

Doug Adler. You gave me a cartoon that sums it all up. Thanks! Laren NH, Wednesday 5th. July 2017, 22.51 PM DT.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 05 Jul 2017 #permalink

In the 50s to 60s continental drift was not accepted (although plate tectonics had been. Continental drift was not accepted until the 70s. That lack of information is how the crank Hapgood conned Einstein into writing a forward to his treatise of crackpottery.

This failed historian came up with his asinine idea when he was asked about an imaginary continent (name forgotten) and he dreamed this crap pile up to cobble together an explanation. He claimed to discover this after examining numerous maps in the Library of Congress. Amazingly, of all the ones he claims he referenced, only one, the Piri Reis map, exists. Apparently the rest existed only in his little scam.

How stupid is his idea: he claimed one of the maps (one of those that doesn’t exist) showed a 15 degree change in the earth’s axis of rotation in roughly 10000 BCE. He neglected to point out that had this really happened (and it didn’t) every animal wandering around would have been tossed through the air over 1000 mph — and would have come to no good end. Tall natural features would have been destroyed.

This crap was used for the idea of the movie 2012 too — and as awful as that movie was, it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. Only an idiot takes Hapgood seriously. What kind of idiot? The kind that would write stuff like this:

In 1984 – 2005 a Dutch medium, Kees de Haar, received detailed predictions form above, which add to Hapgoods analysis and planet forecast. It is a natural phenomenon, which has happened countless times, with one difference, that in this antropoceen era mankind has speeded up this process by heating earth, oceans and atmosphere.

Crackpot theory by a failed historian added to pure bullshit pushed by a medium (a.k.a. scam artist) = stuff as far from science as it is possible to get. Purely stuff for the uneducated.

The book "The path of the poles" was written in 1970. Einstein was dead 1955. Kinda hard to write a forward for a book when you're 15 years dead.

"when he was asked about an imaginary continent (name forgotten)"


My mistake -- the work of crackpottery that featured Einstein's forward was The Earth's Shifting Crust. It's rather sad to hear that he was duped into giving this stuff the slight slap of support he did, and that it has been expanded to indicate a mark of validity for Hapgood's charade.

No, that was the name that great boogers used. Here he is again:

described by professor Charles Hapgood in ‘the path of the poles’, first print 1958, with a foreword of Albert Einstein.

The Path of the Poles was written in 1970. Hell, Al was dead three years before the printing great boogers claimed it was written in.

I looked it up, and apparently he wrote three books. But the one great boogers claimed was 1970, not 1958, and Einstein died 1955.

And I don't know that the forward would necessarily be an imprimatur of accuracy by Einstein. He could just have said it was an interesting idea from an outside with some unusual ideas in it.

If, that is, he wrote one for any book on some polar catastrophe fantasy.

Remember, Cark Sagan could be quotemined to support Velikovsky when in actual fact all Carl Sagan said was that the arguments against him were frequently not scientific, just polemic in nature.

Well on a quick read it looks just like he was given a draft (remember he died before it got printed) and its outside his expertise so he might just have read it and accepted it.

Not quite as bad as Newton looking for the Philosopher's stone.

But yeah, summed up it says "I've been given this book idea and it looks like it's got some great ideas and puts a lot of evidence for his claims". If it had been about theoretical physics, it might mean something. If it had been before he'd died and could read the final print, it might have found a retraction. Or might not.

As someone living in Australia knowing that heatwaves are actually the most lethal of all extreme weather events who already dreads the heatwaves of summer, this is predictable but grim news indeed.

@14 Wow :

Remember, Cark Sagan could be quotemined to support Velikovsky when in actual fact all Carl Sagan said was that the arguments against him were frequently not scientific, just polemic in nature.

As you may or may not already know, Carl Sagan actually strongly debunked Velikovsky in considerable detail and a dedicated chapter (7) in his Brocas Brain (1974 /1979) book.


"To the best of my knowledge, in (Velikovsky's book -ed)Worlds in Collision, there is not a single correct prediction made with sufficient precision for it to be more than a vague , lucky guess - and there are, as I have tried to point out, a host of demonstrably false claims."
- Carl Sagan, page156, Brocas Brain , Coronet books, first published 1974, this edition, 1979.

@11. Wow :

“when he was asked about an imaginary continent (name forgotten)”


Yes - and also Lemuria or, at least according to the classic old Mysterious Cities of Gold cartoon, Hiva.

In Einstein's defense, there's a crucial "if" in the first paragraph of his introduction, and a serious doubt expressed in the fourth.

By Mark Arnest (not verified) on 06 Jul 2017 #permalink

in actual fact all Carl Sagan said was that the arguments against him were frequently not scientific, just polemic in nature.

As one of Carl's favorite punch lines was Thou shalt not covet thine own hypothesis, It's too bad that the same can be said of his responses to those not infrequent occasions when he responded to scientific criticism with stonewalling , selective citation , and legal threats .

Ah, right. All those examples you have given are solid proof.

The only legal one I remember is the Apple who changed their startup sound to "Sosume" in retaliation.

Not that it matters much, because the entire point of the scientific method is the acknowledged fact everyone is liable to the failure. Which is why argument from authority is not a proof,merely an induction, and the fallacy only where the authority is false.

Going back to the original thread topic for a moment......The media is ignoring the link between climate change and heat waves. And that seems perfectly natural when you think about how much income the media gets from car ads fort those fossil fuel guzzlers that some of us think contribute to heat waves. Or when you consider that a heat wave in and of itself is a comfortable news story for a local news outlet to cover, but that a complicated, glacially slow, civilization changing train wreck that involves science and math is just not something they have a clue how to play. Consider too that it is just not in the interest of Putin the fossil fuel exporter, or his subordinate, Our Dear Leader, that famous heavyweight wrestler, Little Hand the Gubmint Wrecker, to advance efforts to fight climate change.

You can go back to your side track now.

#21,22 had me scrolling up to see your discussion about Apple having codename Sagan, getting sued, and then switched to BHA for butthead astronomer.