Trump Dictates To The Press: Mika, Obamacare, Bullying the Press Corp

Trump is reportedly pressuring public news media and other outlets to not distribute information about Obamacare, as they normally would, in an effort to sabotage the n-Law. This is what dictators do.

Trump's people in the "press" room have bullied the press to the point that they are finally starting to lash out. This is what dictators do.…

Trump has attacked another female journalist, this time Mika Brzezinski, with another enigmatic blood coming out of her body parts comment.

This is what dictators do.

Reminder: Back during the campaign, Trump called Ms. Brzesinski "crazy and very dumb"

"Just heard that crazy and very dumb @morningmika had a mental breakdown while talking about me on the low ratings@Morning_Joe. Joe a mess!"

Is anybody going to do something about this?

More like this… A pair of American B-1 Lancer bombers is flying north northeast along the border of North Korean air space. Accompanying the bombers is a squadron of F-15C Eagle fighter jets. The crews are aware of the fact that North Korea…
"It's almost like I feel I'm just moving there, and I'm not coming back." -Scott Kelly On his 233rd day in space, ISS astronaut Scott Kelly took a photo that's since gone viral of the Earth at night, showing a number of cities in India and a star field above the planet's atmosphere and airglow.…
"In this first testing ground of the atomic bomb I have seen the most terrible and frightening desolation in four years of war. It makes a blitzed Pacific island seem like an Eden. The damage is far greater than photographs can show." -Wilfred Burchett The news has been aflame with reports that…
This is a story of two fetching women, one known for glitz and vacuous socializing, one known for serious news commentary and for reinventing the television morning news show format. Yes, as my title reveals, they are Paris Hilton and Mika Brzezinski whose paths crossed unwittingly, emblematic of…

This is the part where Wow tells us about the "whiny" media and how they are tender little snowflakes that can give it but can't take it....he will then mention something about their butts hurt and they are retards...

Perfectly presidential given the current state of the right.

According to the white house the president was just responding to bullying.

More evidence our president has the intellect of a second grader.

the president, and Wow use the same trolling method. The USA apparently have a remarkably annoying president right now. Laren NH, Friday 30th. June 2017, 7.00 AM DT.

By Gerrit Bogaers (not verified) on 29 Jun 2017 #permalink

Ah, still trying to get back at me for pointing out your hilariously ignorant claims, great boogers? To do that I would have to care about your good opinion of me. But you're a fucking idiot without a clue, so I really don't care.

The behavior of Our Dear Leader shows evidence that his mind is stuck in the year 1959. He would have been around 13 years old. For example, he has selected a comb over hairstyle reminiscent of the style of that time period. A very popular television show of the time “77 Sunset Strip featured a narcissistic alpha male named “Kookie” with a similar comb over hair style. A hit song of the day and music video! is available on the web showing him being begged by an attractive woman to lend him his comb ( search “Kookie , Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb”.) So let's make America 1959 again! Let's call our Dear Leader “Kookie”. I am sure he would love that, as Kookie seems to be one of his most important role models.
I rest my case.

Wow - "Ah, still trying to get back at me for pointing out your hilariously ignorant claims"

Still no examples....seems to be a common theme with you. Kind of difficult to post an example when it's imaginary, eh Wow?

Meanwhile, in the real world, I believe I asked you to back up this claim:

Wow – “Batshit, on the other hand, called Obama a retard with ABSOLUTELY NO ACTIONS TO ASCRIBE THAT STATE TO.”

Where? When?

Im just wondering, did perhaps he suffer some trauma in 1959?

We're having one in 2017... And it's orange.

#5 I have no way of knowing. I suspect that perhaps he was humiliated by someone, probably female, probably attractive, maybe blond, maybe of Eastern European heritage. He pretty obviously wasn't asked to lend her his comb. I suspect that a cocky young male narcissist with a massive sense of entitlement would not have a lot of success in starting relationships with women at that age. His disrespect of Hispanic people may link back to another media hit of the time, West Side Story. In that 1961 movie, the hero, another combover white male, is killed by a Hispanic gang member. The beautiful heroine of the movie, Maria, played by Natalie Wood, was of Eastern European extraction. Just sayin...Oh yeah, and Our Dear Leader's mother was named Mary. Can you say Oedipus Tyrannus?

We are now in the situation where we have a compromised leader of America, and he will have to be replaced before the year is out. The gears for the legal removal process are starting to turn.

BTW, some new dirt has come out this morning alleging that Trump apparently tried to use his friendship with the owner of the National Enquirer to blackmail Mika Brezinski and Joe Scarborough, but failed. Also, there is more evidence of collusion between Flynn and the Russians.

It is going to be an interesting summer.

Wow – “Batshit, on the other hand, called Obama a retard with ABSOLUTELY NO ACTIONS TO ASCRIBE THAT STATE TO.”

Where? When?

"Oh yeah, and Our Dear Leader’s mother was named Mary. Can you say Oedipus Tyrannus? "

It may have been reciprocal, hence his obsession with his daughter (and anyone who looks similar, cf the Irish reporter).

Hell, this could all be laid partly down to his mum.

His dad clearly was pissed off a the uselessness of this orange turdchild and made no bones about it. This caused the midget to get really thin skinned and desperate for affirmation, as we see today.

And his mother, with no other role to handle, given the father was such a consistently dismissive figure to junior, had to play the supportive role, feeding his ego and making him genuinely believe his own BS about himself. So he filled his life where he could with "yes men" to continue the ego stroking that his mother did to the manchild as it got older (can't say grew up).

Maybe if the father had been a little more forgiving on occasion (even if only to eke out whatever positive efforts junior managed to squeeze out even by accident) then the mum would not have had to take all of the positive comfort and junior could then have seen that someone CAN criticise him without being just against him.

The other thing to remember is that as children the mothers are most important to the children, but when they reach adolescence, the father figure (whether the father or not) is most important to both sexes of children. The father defines what sort of person they will be when they grow up. The girls want a man like their father and the boys grow up to act like them.

So when you look at junior's actions, they are possibly a reflection of how he saw his dad act in the home.

So you're complaints about being told to mind your language never happened, batshit?

Strange you spent pages complaining about it.


Re #5: I think that's a good observation.

Re #9: Sounds like a bit of a stretch. I suspect that a large portion of his attitude has been shaped by his association with New York's Mafia culture (with of course massive doses of alt-right and senility thrown in). If you watch him in action, he's practically a walking cliche.

In particular, his attitude toward Hispanics is probably shaped by Bannon who slithered out from the slimy underbelly of California politics.

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 30 Jun 2017 #permalink

Wow - "So you’re complaints about being told to mind your language never happened, batshit?"

This is what never happened....

Wow – “Batshit, on the other hand, called Obama a retard"

Chalk up another big lie for Wow. Just leave it on top of his hypocrisy...

Lying again, batshit?


You made the accusation - prove it.

Beyond sad. A lying hypocrite sad.

There's no need to prove something already proven in the evidence, batshit.

And your wallowing in denial makes your whining meaningless.

Wow - "There’s no need to prove something already proven in the evidence"

There's no evidence to allow you to prove anything. If there was, you would show it.

You can't copy and paste your delusions Wow. You should have thought about that before they let you lie...

Wow - "So you’re complaints about being told to mind your language never happened, batshit?"

Here's the entire comment with the warning:

June 21, 2017

Presented by Climate One?
John Hofmeister, former President of Shell Oil Company is on the Board of Advisors of Climate One…
You know what this means don’t you? That’s right, Michael Mann is being backed by big oil!

And that my friends, is how you play the liberal retard game…

[WARNING: Betula, watch your language.]

No mention of Obama in that comment.
You're a proven liar and a hypocrite Wow...not to mention delusional and mentally unstable.

But that's Ok, I enjoy exposing you for what you are, so please don't change for me.

Still whinging, batshit? Nobody cares, snowflake.

OA, it would be odd for the WASPs to be calling for armed insurrection given they are in power, but when you realise that the fuckup is so massive today that it's patently clear that the republicans will never get into power again (cf the liberal democrats in the UK) after having freeloaded on being the obstreperous opposition, a role that allows them 100% accuracy and 0% accountability merely by complaining about everything then picking whatever doesn't go 100% right as "proof", have no longer any capability to be in power and cannot handle the responsibility.

So this is their only shot at the wad.

Hence their attempts to make whatever rules they can push through in this very small slice of time of power before the consequences slits their throats permanent.

And girding up to ignore votes because they've prove to just about every voter how incompetent at rule they are, therefore unwinnable in an open vote.

The donors for the democrats will have to run a thousand times harder to force the democrats to get to even more ridiculous extremes to get the republicans back in. Remember, the donors don't care for democrats, but their money ensures that only republican rulers will be promoted into position.

Re #14 Hi OA. Yeah, it was a stretch, but I am flexible, it makes a good story line and it is probably far closer to reality than any of the junk coming out of Breitbart and the rest of the tinfoil hat brigade.

I agree with your mafia connection inference. He has been into casinos for how many years now? Why wouldn't there be a strong connection. When there was a little jostling incident in the White House press conference this morning and a lamp got knocked over, Trump commented that "we lost the house" , which at the time I took to be a joke related to gambling. He does have the bearing of a corrupt thug.

Quite a head of hair Our Dear Leader has. You know, of course, of the ability of minoxidil to cause dementia in some users.

Wow - "Still whinging, batshit? Nobody cares, snowflake"

You do. You care that you once again got caught lying and you want it to go away as though it didn't happen Much like I caught your hypocrisy with Westmill Solar.

Don't worry Wow, I'm certain I'll catch you in many more lies, and I'll be sure to keep dangling your lies and hypocrisies in front of your face. I feel it's important that you be constantly remind of who you really are..

I'm here for you!

I know you are depressed and I get it.....when you continue to lose over and over again, you have to use your imagination or make fun, after all, what else do you have to get yourself through the day?

Hang in there sunshine.


Trump's association with figures in organized crime is well documented. In terms of actual illegality, it's a grey area at best--which tells you little one way or the other.

In terms of his influences, his early years of course. But if you want to investigate what helped forge the political monstrosity we've come to know and want an oversimplified hook upon which to hang your hat, I'd point you to Roy Cohn. As a mentor of Trump's he would have provided a nexus of the kinds of elements we currently see in Don Trump's politics, his ethics, and perhaps even his nostalgia for an imagined glorious past.

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 30 Jun 2017 #permalink

Did the Russian sponsored piece of shit known as Betula write something?

"You know, of course, of the ability of minoxidil to cause dementia in some users."

I figured it was implants. Especially the way that everyone he invited (who therefore knew not to tug at it or even move it more than a fraction) to check it "really is my hair" just found a sticky out bit and carefully inserted a finger under (as if they expected either explosive decompression or a funnelweb spider attack) and bent the hair up a quarter inch then let it go (with obvious relief) and proclaimed "Oh, it really is real!".

So I had figured it to be an implant.

It's still totally his hair. He has the receipt.

Russia fears western diversity, if only because it gives us political access to and influence within other cultures that they can not easily obtain. Hence, it is no surprise that Russian Orly Taitz tasked herself ( or should I say, was tasked) with starting or fanning the flames of the birther movement, and with hammering the wedge between Obama and the low information whites. Another of her claims to fame is helping with efforts to ostracize and ban Muslims.

Trump is basically so in synchrony with Russian goals that he is practically welded to them. The climate change movement away from fossil fuels hurts the Russians, whose most significant export is …. fossil fuel! So trump clobbers the climate change movement and appoints Pruit the nightmare fuelist to dismantle the EPA. I guess the only question now is, is Trump willingly colluding with Moscow, unwillingly colluding with Moscow, or unknowingly acting on Moscow's behalf?.

There must be an epic struggle going on within the US Intelligence community to keep Trump away from serious intelligence and to keep him from completely selling us out to the Russians.

Did the Russian sponsored piece of shit known as Betula write something?

Sponsored or not, he's never let fact or moral imperative get in the way of his radical right wing ideology.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 01 Jul 2017 #permalink

Bernard at it again, words with nothing to back them up...

I suggest you take your vast supply of inside information and give it to the authorities so they keep the Russians from taking over the United States.
They would really appreciate your help...and if you're lucky, you'll probably get a medal!

"...Russian sponsored... or not..."

For your amusement, you could Google around and, among other things, ponder the symbolism associated with Birch trees in Russia.

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 01 Jul 2017 #permalink

Dictators say mean and unprofessional things about reporters they don't like? That's what they do?

I thought it was more like the other post about Bret Stephens and they try to get the offending writer fired or thrown in jail or killed.

Uh, yes. Look to North Korea, someone who Trump makes look sane and rational.

Bernard at it again, words with nothing to back them up…

Nah? Really? You should consider your denialism of the causes and effects of climate change, for starters. It litters the interweb.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 03 Jul 2017 #permalink

Remember, the only way batshit can operate is by pretending everyone else is as bad as he is, and that he is doing it for "the right reasons" therefore he, and only he (well, he'll let people agreeing with his ideology do it too) is allowed to lie and bullshit and make unsupported or even batshit insane claims on the internet.

Berntard - "You should consider your denialism of the causes and effects of climate change, for starters. It litters the interweb"

Berntard at it again, a lot of words with nothing to back them up..

So more caterwauling from the regressed toddler in the piss soaked terylene pants.

Despite all the whining you do about how badly you're treated, this is all you live for. Your whinging is manufactured so that you get abuse, and it's only through abuse you feel that you are alive and have meaning.

Wow - "allowed to lie and bullshit and make unsupported or even batshit insane claims"

Wow following in Berntards footsteps....a lot of words with nothing to back them up.

Meanwhile, I'll just keep highlighting your lies and hypocrisies Wow, and you'll just continue to counter with your whining...

It's fun to watch actually.

Remember, greg, all batshit is here to do is drive everyone off, because anything left of him (Hitler, Pol Pot, Kahn, the KKK, Every other Republican or Democrat president in the history of the USA, et al) must be shut down because the snowflake hates ideas and ideologies he doesn't share in.

Here's an idea Wow....back up what you say. If you can't then it's a lie.

Oh look, here's one now:

Wow – “Batshit, on the other hand, called Obama a retard"

In must suck to be in your shoes.

>Remember, greg, all batshit is here to do is drive everyone off,

Project much?

Irony: betula and mikeN implying someone else is lying when that act is the pole they both hang hats and reputation on.

I love the examples that came with your comment dean, they really drove the point home. That one lie in particular was a real doozy....guess there's no fooling you. You're amazing!

"I love the examples that came with your comment dean"

The points are these

* you've accused others of lying without presenting any facts
* your lies have been noted and pointed out repeatedly, because they involve misrepresenting the words of others
* you have lied about the results of research of climate change and, when caught, simply said "None of it is true"

You asked about rules for words on another post: try being honest. It would be a huge change - a life change - for you, but after a while you'd get used to it.

Unless/until that happens, you'll be viewed as the dishonest amoral person you present yourself to be.

"Project much?"


But I take it that you are still sticking to the complete idiocy and denial of reality as usual, right?

Very impressive dean, you managed to comment about your examples without actually providing any examples. Don't worry, I didn't notice..

Let's take a look at some of your "points":

1. "you’ve accused others of lying without presenting any facts"

You mean other than the fact of posting the actual lie?

Wow – “Batshit, on the other hand, called Obama a retard”

If that were true, it would be easy enough to copy where I said it. Unless of course, you want me to copy where I didn't say it, which I've already done.

2. "your lies have been noted and pointed out repeatedly, because they involve misrepresenting the words of others"

Is this your non example of an example? Jeez, you really got me there...

3. "you have lied about the results of research of climate change and, when caught, simply said “None of it is true”

Is this your example? And since you have “None of it is true” in quotes, please explain who are you quoting?

4. "You asked about rules for words on another post"

Yes, and i'm still waiting for those rules from that a lie? Is that dishonest? Please explain this one...

Simple words are.too complicated for you betula? That isn't my problem.

As soon as you begin telling the truth, or providing evidence to support your assertions (you've ever done that), and stop simply denying what research says about climate change, you will have started climbing out of the hole you've dug yourself into.