Dear Blue State Republicans: You got screwed bad

Many bad things happened at the Trump news conference. Many bad things. Many many. Unbelievably bad things, I tell ya.

But one thing that happened, as bad as the rest of the things, and covered by the Washington Post, has not gotten sufficient attention.

President-elect Donald Trump twice suggested at his news conference that states that voted for him overwhelmingly during the election would get special attention from his White House, especially on the issue of jobs and trade.

... many states “did get it right” by voting for him and those states would have better jobs, security and veterans services.

“And we focused very hard in those states, and they really reciprocated,” Trump said. “And those states are going to have a lot of jobs, and they’re going to have a lot of security. They’re going to have a lot of good news for their veterans.”

Later, he warned companies against moving jobs to Mexico or other countries from “places that I won.”

“But what really is happening is the word is now out, that when you want to move your plant to Mexico or some other place, and you want to fire all of your workers from Michigan and Ohio and all these places that I won, for good reason, it’s not going to happen that way anymore,” Trump said.

That is not what a President is supposed to do. This is wrong on many levels, and for many reasons. But here, I just want to point out one aspect that we do not want to overlook. I will point this out in the form of a missive:

Dear Republicans who voted for Donald Trump but who live in states where the majority did not:

Please assume the bent over position, because your guy is about to screw you. Have a nice day.


Everyone Else

This is, of course, the message that needs to get to every single Republican, Trump voter or not, in every state that didn't end up giving Trump Electoral votes.

Why, you ask? Why does it matter, since those are blue states anyway?

Here's why. I live in MN State 44A, CD03. That means that my State House representative is a Republican. My State Senator is a Republican. My representative to the US House is a Republican. All those people who live in my Minnesota House and Senate district, and this federal Congressional District, who voted in Republicans need to know when the next election comes along that their leader, Donald Trump, vowed today to abandon them.

Many Democrats are saying of Trump: "He is not my president." Well, if you are a Republican from any state that did not vote overwhelming for Trump, he is not your president either. You got screwed. Bad.

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And The People said, "Not my president!"

And the Great Orange Ape responded, "You're damn right I'm not your president!"

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 11 Jan 2017 #permalink

Donnie 'The Bog' Trump
Making America Hate Again

By Obstreperous A… (not verified) on 11 Jan 2017 #permalink

I kinda hope that the (R)s win when trump is out. Because the little moron is going to treat the USA like he treats everything else he gets his hands on: a piggy bank. So whoever gets in power next timewill have a completely fucked over USA to try and fix. If the (D)s get it, especially Sanders, they will be blamed for it.

The best option is if the (D)s hold strong and stop wilting as soon as someone uses a harsh word on them, and that before very long, the (R)s will realise that 100% screwing the country over is only a short-term good for them and start demanding Trump act like a grown up and sane human being (at the VERY least).

But maybe the carpetbagging will be joined in by most of the senators, in which case, there'll be a lot of "job creators" creating new offshore havens to move to before the midden hits the windmill.

Start demanding Trump act like a grown-up and sane human being?

You'll have much more luck teaching a pig to sing. And the pig will be less annoyed.

By Brainstorms (not verified) on 11 Jan 2017 #permalink

This person is not fit for office in any company let alone to lead a state.
As to leading one of the most powerful countries in the world give me a break this person is a Juvenal with no knowledge at all about managing a company after all he is basically broke because he owes more that he is worth.
Do you want to trust your country to a total clown like this????

Greg, your message could be better construed I think. I try to follow your statements, but I cannot detect a logic sequence of stepping stones, leading from A to B. I think your conclusion B is right, but the reasoning behind it isn't yet. You didn't explain your statement 'Donald Trump, vowed today to abandon them.' Question: What did Trump vow today? What did he say and how is that contradictory to what he said earlier? If you could make that clear, your message might get understanding and impact form many readers. Furthermore, the swearing in this blog is adding to vocabulary. Is this the language of 'woomansing'?, or is this a community game in producing communal bulls excrement by using strong words of macho which derails good thinking? In my eyes you portray the US as loosers, which to my opinion is characterised at the same time as a well founded analysis as well as more than a pity, because a good America is of life-importance for everybody. Hope you get a next President who unites, but for that a country is needed in which people can and is wilful to unite for the good reasons, meaning how to make this planet survivable for all in the enjoyment of human rights as laid down in the Declaration of Human rights UN 10 December 1948 for all. I fear America is in a rollercoaster. The only way trying stopping that is bringing your minds to the best possible strategy. How can America survive and not go bankrupt economically and morally? Ho do Americans keep America and the world on track? Any good suggestions from your part?

Greg, your message could be better construed I think. I try to follow your statements, but I cannot detect a logic sequence of stepping stones, leading from A to B. I think your conclusion B is right, but the reasoning behind it isn’t yet. You didn’t explain your statement ‘Donald Trump, vowed today to abandon them.’ Question: What did Trump vow today? What did he say and how is that contradictory to what he said earlier? If you could make that clear, your message might get understanding and impact from many readers. Furthermore, the swearing in this blog is adding to vocabulary. Is this the language of ‘woomansing’?, or is this a community game in producing communal bulls excrement by using strong words of macho which derails good thinking? In my eyes you portray the US as loosers, which to my opinion is characterised at the same time as a well founded analysis as well as more than a pity, because a good America is of life-importance for everybody. Hope you get a next President who unites, but for that a country is needed in which people can and is willful to unite for the good reasons, meaning how to make this planet survivable for all in the enjoyment of human rights as laid down in the Declaration of Human rights UN 10 December 1948 for all. I fear America is in a rollercoaster. The only way trying stopping that is bringing your minds to the best possible strategy. How can America survive and not go bankrupt economically and morally? Ho do Americans keep America and the world on track? Any good suggestions from your part?

Yeah, but it may be that if the republicans TRY and Trump does his usual "throw the pram out of the toys" routine, they'll stop pandering to the psycho nutbar and stop him doing more damage to the USA, *even if* it means siding with the (D)s.

"Start demanding Trump act like a grown-up and sane human being?" That would be against everything rePUKEian! Look at all the dimwits he has on the cabinet...not a sane grown-up in the bunch! Or the R-UT that is going to end death with dignity, not smart, not grown-up, not really sane!

Don't confuse the establishment in the Republican party with the people who vote for them.

When the media continually bombards the USA population with propaganda, for generations, they will have no choice but to believe in certain things without question.

Here's a few for you, see if you can answer them.

Is Islam worse, better, or the same, as Christianity for violence?

Is the USA the world leader?

Is communism unworkable?

Is a constitutional right to the freedom of speech ESSENTIAL to a free and open democracy?

Is the freedom of speech in the USA held in no, a few, or many other countries?

Is the USA the freest, among the top 10 freest, or outside the top 10 freest countries in the world?

NOTE: I've picked ones that, as an outsider to the USA, seem to be fairly bipartisan accepted beliefs in the USA.

The only difference between you and the republican voters, LL, is whether you think corporations are job creators,whether tax cuts to the rich are good for the economy, whether the democrats are the tax and spend party,whether the crushing poverty they feel is Obama's fault or not.

But on several "self evident truths", you are just as blinkered and brainwashed as they.

And NEITHER OF YOU can be blamed for the results of that brainwashing as some sort of vile immorality.

Is anyone really surprised? There was this perception that Trump was a good candidate because he was immune to the regular pitfalls of US politics - specifically being essentially bought by lobbyists for corporations and special interest groups. However, what was entirely ignored (even by Hillary's camp to an extent) was his long history of cronyism. Trump is a classic narcissist in this regard - if you help him you are good, if not you are bad in his eyes.

He appointed old friends and allies to the cabinet. He will probably help states that he won more directly and more frequently than the others. And while no government would allow it, I wouldn't be surprised if he claimed at some point he would follow through on threats to take legal action against news organizations that spoke against his campaign or hell even private individuals who publicly expressed disapproval.

Zach, Hilary's team missed it because they were too busy getting rid of the "unelectable" Bernie Sanders and once that was done, the "EVEN LESS electable" Trump would be a shoe-in.

That their idea of "unelectable" is waaay off kilter is not even possible for them to read, let alone contemplate (even if they get to reject it later, the thought CANNOT enter their minds, it is antithetical to their entire worldview, they're as blind to it as they are to hard X-rays), therefore their pushing of even more of the same into places to decide the next candidate.

They blame Russia *entirely*, as if the problem wasn't their idea of "unelectable", but that someone "got to the votes". They blame Obama for not doing enough, though they never asked him to do anything, they were SO SURE of being right.

So obsessed are they with finding out what Russia did,they don't even notice that they're missing the huge elephant in the room: Trump was SUCH A TERRIBLE CANDIDATE that it shouldn't even have been a contest. The difference between a sane candidate (and Hilary IS sane, even if she's actually a conservative running under the Democrat banner) and Trump is so HUGE that no amount of ballot-stuffing or gerymandering or fiddling with the digital records or leaked info (even if blown entirely out of proportion) could have done anything other than narrow the gap to "solid win for the Democrats".

But their idea of what is electable is not one the voters see as electable. But everyone in Washington Political Circles thinks the same thing: Hilary or Jeb were ELECTABLE. *Everyone*, left and right in that Washington bubble. And since 100% of the people there "know" that Hilary or Jeb were electable, even if neither side saw that in the other candidate, that they cannot think anything other than Russia must be to blame. Media must be to blame. Not being "moderate" (read:conservative) enough was to blame for the Democrats losing.

No idea that maybe Hilary or Jeb were the unelectables. Even when given absolute proof they were unelectable.

Myself, I blame the supremacy of "Austrian Economics" and economic experts in general. It's the only "scientific" branch that comes up with a model of how the economy SHOULD work under the axioms of Mainstream Economic theory, implements the laws to make it better, then ignore the evidence showing things got worse, and assume it wasn't the model that was wrong,but some "external" factor, or poor implementation of the rules that the model suggested, that was at fault.

And 90% of politics in the USA (and the majority of politics in the rest of the world, mostly) is run by economics theory. It's no wonder they apply the same epistemology in politics as they see applied by economists they listen to.

When governments drop regulations to make the market freer and make new jobs by "freeing the job creators", when jobs leave, it must be due to too much government interference,so they drop MORE regulations.

And repeat eternally.

The "intel community" can piss back Donald. As things stand now Presedent Elect Pumpkinhead doesn't look like the second coming of Mussolini, but more like the second coming of Nero.

By The Unnamed Marauder (not verified) on 12 Jan 2017 #permalink