You know what LEGO is. Do you know what LEGO Ideas is?
This is a program where people -- not normal people but Lego Ninja Expert people -- propose lego builds. The builds are normally actually built, but some are just designed or have parts that are just designed. These propose builds are then vetted on a publicly available web space at LEGO. People "support" the project by providing a very simple evaluation and, basically, a vote.
If a proposed build gets 10,000 votes, it goes into review. I suppose the review process is important, or all future LEGO projeects would be about Boaty McBoatface. Anyway, if the project passes review, then a limited number are produced.
Unsurprisingly, a relatively large number of these proposed builds are science oriented, science fiction, or otherwise, nerdy. Most of the rest are hot cars or airplanes.
These projects are usually expensive, and as noted, limited in production. But if you are willing to fork out 50 bucks or so for a very cool LEGO project, you can have some real nice ones at any given time. Sadly, no matter how cool the project is, it eventually fades into obscurity.
I should note also that you will find very few of these projects at any store. I've seen a few at Toys-backwardsR-Us, but most are only available on line.
I've gone through all the currently available projects (including several that LEGO no longer produces but that are still in the pipeline) to pick out the science and nerd oriented ones, plus one that is neither but still cool. Here they are.
Mars Science Laboratory
I'm going to start with one that is almost certainly impossible to get for less than 200 bucks, but there are several out there and it is one of the cooler ones ever built: The LEGO Ideas NASA Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover
(Kit 2114).
It has all sorts of moving parts and a nice metallic, low-peg look. It was designed by one of the actual engineers on the Curiosity project.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
The Doctor Who Building Kit
(model 21304) has the Tardis from the outside and the inside. It is bigger on the inside.
There are, I think, two doctors and one companion. Also, there are Daleks and a weeping angel.
There is a booket about the fan who designed this build, and about the TV series. In many ways, this is one of the nicer builds because is has so much cool stuff in it.
Did I mention there are Daleks?
The LEGO Ideas WALL E 21303 Building Kit is destine to be a classic. (See photo above). Don't tell anybody, but this is Amanda and Huxley's christmas present this year.
Big Bang Theory
I've never seen an episode of the Big Bang theory, but you have! So maybe you would like to have a look at the LEGO Ideas The Big Bang Theory 21302 Building Kit.
Here's the info from the manufacturer, which, since I don't know much about it, I'll just pass on to you:
Ha. Leonard Sheldon. Funny joke, that.
I wasn't sure if I should include this one or not, but on further consideration, a lot of people might like this.
The LEGO Ideas 21305 Maze Building Kit (769 Piece) is an actual maze game thingie.
Many LEGO kits have varying degrees of functionality, but most are minituarized versions of large things, like, say, an airplane or something, so they'll have a prop that rotates and that's about it. This kit is a kit to build a thing that is a thing, not a model imitating a thing. there are not many LEGO kits that do this.
In the down where I was born....
Finally, I give you the LEGO Yellow Submarine
Say no more.
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