More Analysis of the Trump-Clinton Commander In Chief Faceoff

Following up on one of the issues addressed in "How The Press Created FrankenTrump and Ruined Civilization", we have this:

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The Republican Party and its handlers, including the right wing talk radio jocks such as Rush Limbaugh, and the bought-and-paid-for media such as FOX news, did not create the Tea Party. Michele Bachmann and a few others did that.* But once the Tea Party got going, mainstream conservative…
Update: June 19, 10:56 am: The commenting issues have now been fixed! Yay! So please ignore the first paragraph of the post. The commenting issues around here remain unresolved. In the past I have been told by the overlords that this was being treated as a high-priority problem. If that is so…
Ah, The Onion. I haven't used them in a while for my Friday Fun and it was feeling like it was way overdue. As usual, classic stuff: Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks: A group of leading historians held a press conference Monday at the National Geographic Society to announce they had "…
Why is America the Greatest Country in the World? Diversity and opportunity. And freedom. Lots of freedom, freedom is great. I can tell you, I know freedom and I know we have lots of it, more than any other country. And diversity, we've almost got that under control too. But seriously ... If you…

You nailed it, here and in your 10 September post. I have returned from time to time to observe the endless argument going on over guns, thinking what a waste of time, nobody's moving.

But I stole your Newsroom reference (with h/t) for a comment on Kerry's efforts over at the NYTimes and I promise I will be returning, because my heart hurts and I know I'm not alone when I read stuff like this.…

By Susan Anderson (not verified) on 14 Sep 2016 #permalink