Navigating Climate Science Denialism: Resources for you

I have four things for you, two of which you already know about and one that is brand new and very exciting.

You already know that Skeptical Science is a web site that addresses most, perhaps all, of the questions that people raise about climate science. These questions might come from your Uncle Jeb who just figures global warming is a fad and not very important, or they may be questions that come from trained trolls who travel the Intertubes attempting to systematically disrupt the most important conversation we can have in the early 21st century. Skeptical science is also like an intro textbook of climate science, you can learn pretty much everything at a basic or intermediate level without having to know too much math. THE SITE IS HERE and there are also apps you can get for your smart phone so you can science circles around Uncle Jeb.

Very quickly, the second thing: My own "Climate Science Search Engine" which is a customized Google search that scans only sites that are not denialist. It is in the right side bar of this blog.

Third, check out the Debunking Handbook.

Fourth, and this is new, is Media Matters' Mythopedia!

Mythopedia allows you to search for the truth about a variety of right-wing lies and misinformation. It should work on your desktop or mobile device as a web site. At the start, the database underlying Mythopedia has a few hundred of the most common myths about subjects including climate change. Media Matter expects to expand the data base on a regular basis. Think of it as a highly specialized Snopes Snooper.

Mythopedia is HERE.

Here's a video:

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Septics often dismiss Skeptical Science by saying it's an agenda site. My argument against this is, yes, it is an agenda site, and the agenda is to provide reliable information about climate change and climate science, and to refute the myths disseminated by climate septics.

A couple of remarks about your search engine.
Wouldn't it be easier for readers if we could link to it directly from the home page?
Egoist that I am, I miss my suggestions on your updated list. Here are a few motivated repeats.

Open Mind is great at picking apart the cherry picking and other, especially statistical, manipulations of the septics. It's one of the sharpest tools I know of.

The Carbon Brief has done a great job at debunking the myths created by David Rose (global warming has stopped, Arctic sea ice recovery) that are spread throughout the septic blogosphere. It also has good, informative posts about relevant matters.

Linking to The Guardian's environmental section is much better than linking to the Guardian links you've mentioned. You not only get the Skeptical Science “extension,” but also immediate access to other good blogs (Nafeez Ahmed, Graham Redfearn), articles by competent environmental journalists (John Vidal, Suzanne Goldenberg), and up-to-date information about important weather events, climate, and climate science, usually with links to the papers and reports that are being presented. It's an invaluable resource.

What a crock. Soros propaganda at its best. Try independent thinking you sheep.

Excuse my confusion. I thought the search engine linked back to the list you were compiling. In any case, I can't get it to work. I see "loading," but nothing loads. I've had this problem before, so I guess it has something to do with my computer settings. It's a great idea, so I hope it works for others.