Your Baby’s Best Shot and Rebecca Watson

... the podcast, is now available for download:

This week, we’re looking at the science – and pseudoscience – that affects the healthcare decisions parents make for their children, and women make for themselves. We’re joined by Allison Hagood and Stacy Herlihy, to talk about their book Your Baby’s Best Shot: Why Vaccines are Safe and Save Lives. And on the podcast, we’re joined by founder Rebecca Watson, to talk about pseudoscience that’s targeted and marketed specifically at women.

Also note that the upcoming Skeptically Speaking will be on Genetically Modified Food

This week, we’ll spend the hour talking about genetically modified foods, that are causing conversation among scientists, lawmakers and the public. Horticulture professor Kevin Folta returns to the show, along with Karl Haro von Mogel and Anastasia Bodnar, co-editors of They’ll give us the scientific perspective on the benefits, and possible dangers, in manipulating the genes of common food crops.

We record live with our panel on Sunday, October 14 at 6 pm MT. The podcast will be available to download at 6 pm MT on Friday, October 19.

Click here for info and links.

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