LaTeX Tutorial

This is a very good LaTex Tutorial, marred only by the fact that it is running in some odd operating system that I am not familiar with:

The rest of the tutorials are HERE, nicely organized.

Hat Tip Got Emacs

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This amused me so much, Greg! You are such an old-school geek. I'm a Linux user exclusively, and an Emacs and Latex fan, but I thought as I watched this video how I would ever explain that rarefied geeky world of text processing to an ordinary person. Remember, that's 99.8% of the population!

Most people have serious problems using MS Word.

I typed my dissertation with AMS-TEX in the final part of 1988 and early 89. The little red book, "The Joy of Tex" was a constant companion then. If I needed to I could still compile those original files. I've used the versions since then. I have tried to use Word a couple times: perfectly horrendous for things that have more than an occasional equation, formula, or complex graphic. It's always seemed to me that learning and using it only appears complicated. Learning to use it well, and modify as needed, has a big learning curve - just like almost everything else.

Word's problems (like Excel's, in my opinion) are many. I think the biggest is that its designers want it to be able to do everything, and so in the end there is very little it does well.

I work in Korea. Here they a have a Korean version, called (I kid you not) KoTeX.

What is this MS Word you people speak of?

The example I hold up when I explain to students how modern "word processors" have made WYSIWYG a computer-related Orwellian phrase.