Major Ocean Data Initiative Is Cool

Opening Our Oceans With Data.Gov

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of, the newest community on This effort is the result of two important initiatives of the Obama Administration: the development and implementation of the National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, our Coasts, and the Great Lakes and the creation of to make Federal data more accessible to the American people.

Since President Obama signed the Executive Order establishing a National Ocean Policy, the Administration has been working steadily to implement this policy. One cornerstone of the policy is the Framework for Effective Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning, a science-based, regional planning process conducted jointly with states and tribes that guarantees the public and stakeholders a voice in decisions affecting the ocean. Making the science that is available to the Federal Government accessible to all ocean users is a key to the success of this initiative. That's why the National Ocean Council has teamed with the initiative to create an open and accessible website that houses and references a wealth of information and tools available to support ocean planning efforts.

Source and more information here.

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