Why do Republicans hate America and the Earth?

This is a bit long but you will benefit from watching all of it. It gets extra hot at 31:30.

I love the look on that woman's face at 31:38 and again at 31:47. LOL.

This particular member of congress, Don Young from Alaska, needs to get unelected. Frank J. Vondersaar seems to be the guy running against him, and this seems to be his web site. You can donate money to help Frank's campaign here.

I was originally made aware of this testimony from a blog post at Get Energy Smart blog, HERE. Please go check that out.

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It's hard to watch once Don Young starts talking. Just because he'll be dead in a couple decades doesn't mean long term consequences are inconsequential...

Maybe it's just me, but I think the fear of ANWR drilling is overblown. I think the oil industry has shown that they can drill up there while keeping things pretty clean. And the drilling footprint really is an absolutely miniscule portion of the refuge.

Yes, we do need to limit GHG emissions, but that's a separate issue. The "right" way of limiting GHG is to, well, limit them, and then let the market figure out where it can most economically find fuel sources. Opposing individual fossil fuel projects, like this one, leads to a game of whack-a-mole, which may results in worse environmental damage in the end (see slash-and-burn of forests for palm oil plantations).

By Windchaser (not verified) on 22 Nov 2011 #permalink

It would be much appreciated if anyone here can post the highlight script so that we can better understand... Thanks ^_^

> Maybe it's just me, but I think the fear of ANWR drilling is overblown

By definition, it's "just you". You THINK the fear is overblown.

> Yes, we do need to limit GHG emissions, but that's a separate issue.

No. Unless we're going to drill that out because we want to look at it, it's the same issue.

Those limits have to be in place BEFORE anyone is allowed to drill. Get those limits in now, and you can see how they respond. You seem to want them to respond to the threat of future limits. They don't care. They'll cash in and leave.

my, my. Anger certainly rises when 'Don's special interest' was challenged. Wonder how much money was put into his pocket for "Drill Baby Drill"!
It doesn't matter what spues out of his mouth - For "the 'good' of Alaska" ha-ha!
It's quite obvious his "anger" (ignorant, disrespectful, power play )is because someone's messing with his future 'oil' income. HOW OBVIOUS! and How fake is he.

There's enough pillaging and rape of our land, water, air, food, etc....for 'The Company's' profits at our eventual cost. We, the people ALWAYS pay in the end while they reap (exploit) the goods.

my, my. Anger certainly rises when 'Don's special interest' was challenged. Wonder how much money was put into his pocket for "Drill Baby Drill"!
It doesn't matter what spues out of his mouth - For "the 'good' of Alaska" ha-ha!
It's quite obvious his "anger" (ignorant, disrespectful, power play )is because someone's messing with his future 'oil' income. HOW OBVIOUS! and How fake is he.

There's enough pillaging of our land, water, air, food....for 'The Company's' profits at our eventual cost. We, the people ALWAYS pay to do the cleaning up while they reap the goods. We need to join together and correct these wrongs.