Greg's Bloggy Newsletter

This is an experiment. To reduce complexity in my own life and enhance the quality of communication between me and you, I'm going to try this "newsletter" thingie. It will probably be weekly, roughly timed for the middle of the week, and will include links to the blog posts I personally wish that you would not miss, information about other stuff happening on the blogosphere, a little section on activism to remind both you and me to do that, and a listing of ways in which you can reach out and touch me. Without actually, you now, touching me.

For now, I will probably cross-post this on my various blogs, though I'd love your opinion on that.

Wheat from Chaff


Editing PDF's
How to record Skype calls.


My new media page.
My new blog (see also below).

Evolutionary biology:

What happened with Archaeopteryx?


Eating Insects (a series of posts)


Child abuse in the name of god (a timely repost)


Bug Girl and Greg Laden Speak Skeptically with Desiree Schell


I am a child of the libarary

New and Moved Blogs

This is big news. Freethought Blogs now has 16 blogs, over half of which are new. You should check them out. Ed Brayton, one of the founders of, has written a post introducing the new bloggers. In addition, here is a sampling of current posts (from new and pre-existing bloggers) on this network:

My close personal friend and fellow blogger Stephanie Zvan has moved her blog, Almost Diamonds to Freethought Blogs. Her opening post explains her blogging strategy.

Alethian Worldview is written by Deacon Duncan, a former preacher and serious Christian who is now an Alethian. You can check out his inaugural post to find out what an Alethian is.

Assassin Actual is a Cavalry Officer in the U.S. Army deployed to Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn. Here is his welcoming post, complete with a scary graphic.

Hank Fox, author of Red Neck, Blue Collar, Atheist: Simple Thoughts About Reason, Gods and Faith, is blogging at Blue Collar Atheist. He also has a scary picture!

Butterflies and Wheels blogged by Ophelia Benson has moved to as well. Ophelia wrote Does God Hate Women?, and her site at is here.

If all you had was a hammer you'd treat the world like it was a nail. To find out more about this sort of thing, visit Daniel Fincke's blog, Camels With Hammers, in it's new home.

Comradde PhysioProffe seems to have changed the spelling of his name (a pseudonymous pseudonym?) and moved some time ago to Check out his latest recipe.

Greta Christina. Say no more. Click here.

I still have a hard time saying the name of Jason Thibeault's blog, because where I grew up that word was considered to be a fairly strong slur and we were not told to use it. His inaugural post is here. Jason knows a lot about how to make computers work and stuff, so this is good that he is here.

You all know PZ is on and you all know about Pharyngula. Check out this important item: As an American Atheist, I am disgusted by the 9/11 coloring book.

Reasonable Doubts is a famous podcast that bloggs at Here. I wonder how a podcast works the keyboard!

There is a Squid in the house. And of course, squids have a strong prurient sense. Ick!

You might notice that this list is almost alphabetical. So that would put me right about here.

Zingularity has got a very important research related blog post that merely goes to prove something I've been saying ALL ALONG!!!

Chris Rodda wrote Liars For Jesus: The Religious Right's Alternate Version of American History and blogs at "This Week in Christian Nationalism" on Here.

In a separate matter, I want to note that Mike the Mad Biologist has left and now blogs here. I wish him the best, of course, but I wish he was still at Scienceblogs. On the other hand, the internet is a small place...

One Stop Shopping

The latest addition to my store is a "testosterone killed my brain" tee-shirt (at the Cafe Press shirt, same place as the Darwin I Think hats and stuff). This is in response to JC Pennys shirt "I'm too pretty to do my homework" which also implies incest if you go with the usual homework-for-sex idea. Which no one seems to have noticed (or is that just me?)

Carnivals and such

The Evolution Carnival is here, at Henry Gee's.

Activism 4 U

We are working on the first draft of the Women Thinking Free Foundation's "More Than Men" videos. I've actually put them up on my YouTube stream, but there will be revisions and I don't want to openly promote them until WTF has seen them ... who knows, since I didn't follow instruction they may get rejected! Look in this space in the next newsletter for the links, or get the preview by visiting my YouTube stream.

Social Networking

I blog (etc) here:

More like this

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Today is the day. Today is the day that Seed has decided to launch a revamped version of ScienceBlogs, complete with a spiffy new front page. It's long overdue, as the front page as it was had caused a number of frustrations, not the least of which is that bloggers whose posts are not as frequent…

An Alethian is like an atheist, except that he sort of pretends not to be. It's actually really annoying, although he's otherwise brilliant.

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