Gingrich Campaign Implodes

This is not an Onion story, this is for real.

Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign imploded Thursday afternoon with virtually his entire senior staff leaving en masse, according to multiple sources familiar with the moves.

"When the campaign and the candidate disagree on the path, they've got to part ways," said Rick Tyler a longtime Gingrich spokesman who was among those who left the campaign today.

It all happened with the last few years ago. The differences seem to be mainly in how serious Gingrich is in running a campaign. Campaign staff were miffed when a disastrous launch was followed by Gingrich taking at two week vacation. And, on his return, he's not been actively campaigning.

It smells to me like there may be more to it than Gingrich being a lazy slob, though I suppose if your career depends on being involved with serious people, that would matter. It may matter that two of Gingrich's now former aides are associates of Texas' Rick Perry, who is now contemplating a run for the Oval Office.


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Well done newty. Way to fail!

Hmmm...wonder if it has anything to do with his stance on climate change. He's really back-pedaled in the last couple of months, even though he wrote a book called A Contract with Earth.

After reading that book (which i still own) I thought Newt would drive the conservative charge to co-opt all things green. He didn't exactly say that mankind was driving climate change but he didn't rule it out either. He even describes Creation Care, a fundamentalist Christian movement where you can be a religious conservative and still hug a tree. Who knew?

Maybe he's struggling internally with his party politics and his beliefs. They do seem to be at odds.

I think the Republican party has gotten too crazy even for Gingrich. It is no longer good enough to just talk crazy, you have to actually be crazy.

#2 - You would like to think so but as some of the people who quit were former Perry aides I think that it is the opposite. I think that the occasional bouts of sanity by Grinch caused them to leave.

By Michael J (not verified) on 09 Jun 2011 #permalink

It looks like he's as good at maintaining a campaign as he is at maintaining a marriage.

Ask the current Mrs. Gingrich if that vacation was worth it?