Bill filed to repeal Louisiana's antievolution law

Senate Bill 70 (PDF), prefiled in the Louisiana Senate on April 15, 2011, and provisionally referred to the Senate Committee on Education, would, if enacted, repeal Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:285.1, which implemented the so-called Louisiana Science Education Act, passed and enacted in 2008. SB 70 was introduced by Karen Carter Peterson (D-District 5), but the driving force behind the repeal effort is Baton Rouge high school senior Zack Kopplin, working with the Louisiana Coalition for Science. The repeal effort is endorsed by the National Association of Biology Teachers and the Louisiana Association of Biology Educators.

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I hope that the anti-evolution bill gets repealed soon. It's not like the citizens of Louisiana need any more disadvantages hoisted on them by their intellectually castrated legislators...

LarianLeQuella(no 1) wrote "It's not like the citizens of Louisiana need any more disadvantages hoisted on them by their intellectually castrated legislators..."

But who voted in those obviously "intellectually castrated legislators"?

Democracy is wonderful, as it gives you the government that you deserve. It might not be the government you desire, nor the one you need, but you do get the one you deserve.

Who voted them in? A population that has been systematically deprived of good education for decades, who are dependent on a corrupt corporate media that doesn't have any interest in reporting more than who's ahead in the polls because they have to spend too much of their time scrambling for their wages to indulge in research themselves. What exactly do those people deserve?

@MacTurk, you are right, there is an endless cycle going on in some of those areas. It's just a ferverent (and hopeless?) desire to see them wake up and realize the bind they have placed themselves in...

The real question is... how did Zack Kopplin get so smart?

Good for him, anyway.