The Story of Nuclear Boy

So that Japanese children can be traumatized by the Fukushima in a more appropriately Freudian way and never really learn to love properly:

Personally, I think this would be more accurate if Nuclear Boy was sitting next to three or four Diaper Genies on fire.

See also this post at Class:M ... "At first glance, the cartoon does an exemplary job explaining the situation to Japanese schoolchildren too young to understand half-lives and the role of water as a coolant and moderator in boiling-water reactors. But there's a gaping omission right at the beginning...."

Hat Tip Ana and The Intersection.

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(as I said Friday when Stoat linked to it)

Let's hope not too many people ask about that other Japanese childrens' classic cartoon ... "Everyone Poops"

By Bob O`Bob (not verified) on 20 Mar 2011 #permalink

It's a kind of a rite of passage in Japan - ever since the original A Dog of Flanders incident, the generation of survivors made sure that every succeeding generation is also traumatized by anime at least once during their childhood.

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 21 Mar 2011 #permalink