Technology Woes and Worries

Apple likes its hardware to be closed source. Very closed:

If you want to remove the outer casing on your iPhone 4 to replace the battery or a broken screen, it won't be easy anymore. In the past, you could use a Phillip screwdriver to remove two tiny screws at the base of the phone and then simply slide off the back cover.

But Apple is replacing the outer screw with a mysterious tamper-resistant screw across its most popular product lines, ...


Keep an eye in iFixit for a fix to this.

A little Linux Naval Gazing:

With the recent announcement from Apple that Steve Jobs is taking a medical leave ... I began to wonder if people really think that the entire company is 100% dependent on Steve Jobs ... So, does the Linux community have a similar problem when it comes to Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel?


All I can say is that I am very disappointed that cloning has not been developed any more than jet packs. Very disappointed.

Tip: How to get desktop sharing working. It's easy and potentially useful even if you're just using a desktop and a laptop. Like if you share files on dropbox, and your using your laptop in one room while watching the baby, and you realized that you had opened a file on your desktop in the BlogCave and wanted to save and close it just in case, you can access your desktop's desktop from your laptop's desktop.

(We might need more words to express these concepts but I think you get the point.)

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All I can say is that I am very disappointed that cloning has not been developed any more than jet packs. Very disappointed.

Agree - and: when I was in grade school my Weekly Readers promised that I'd have a flying car and we'd be living in mile-high skyscrapers. I'm still waiting for those too.