Jimmy Carter: Religion is one of the 'basic causes' of violations of women's rights

Corrections? To the religious, this is blasphemy.

I just don't get this... Isn't Jimmy a very devoutly religious man? What sort of mental dissonance is going on in his head?

That said, I agree, and I still wonder if there isn't some sort of Stockholm Syndrome going on with religious women (and African-Americans as well).

The subject has come up on occasion in church and to a T, everyone agrees that women are far better off under the protection of the Lord and their husbands than they would be if they were one of these single "career" women (aka Lesbians)

It's a well established fact that women are not as strong mentally or physically as men are. BUT, they do have one trait that trumps what any man can do: they can bear children like nobody's business. This is to be celebrated. The sexes are not equal for a reason. His reason!

By Seethelightofgod (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink


Well, your church sounds like a bunch of middle easterners.

Women might not be strong "mentally" in your (I am sure, "humble") opinion, but they are strong enough to create & run companies, with more revenue than you will ever earn. That in the west, is called "strong enough".

Women might not be strong enough "physically", but they are strong enough to drive, chop wood if needed, and pull the trigger of a gun, that can kill any men working out 24/7 in the gym for all his life (the Taliban have discovered that too). That in the west, is called "strong enough".

Well, if everyone in your church agrees with the church, the church must be right!
Opinions of those outside your church must automatically be wrong!

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend church. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in church in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

I'm not naming names, but I think you both know who you are.

By Seethelightofgod (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink


I am always amused by the fact that you think that attending churches puts you in any kind of moral standing, completely ignoring the fact that the Bible never said "make churches". As if a supreme being which made the universe required specific little human buildings (with a bureocrasy to run them) in order to be worshipped in, rather than just the sky.

You are a deluded for thinking that god ought to give you more attention simply because you piled a bunch of wood, and you are an egoist that because you piled a (tiny compared to, say, a galaxy) bunch of wood, God now gets to be "on your side". Frankly, you are piling up the mortal sins there so fast it's not even funny.

Don't forget to say a prayer or donate to build a plexiglass Jesus statue somewhere, that should totally Trick Him, eh?

I've always admired President Carter. All the more, now that he's catching up with the Atheist voices on the internet.

@LarianLeQuella, I'm sure he is quite the religiot, but when he was in office, that was never an issue; he was careful to allow for others' viewpoints. (I hope that's correct - it's the way I remember him.)

@Seethelightofgod - your views are just repugnant.

By John Swindle (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink

John Swindle,

The moronic comment at #3 has got to be a Poe. I doubt anyone capable of using a computer while composing a comment that includes mostly correct grammar and spelling is stupid enough to think "Lesbianism" is a career choice. Also, it didn't capitalize "God," which theists usually are pretty careful about. Ignore it...it isn't worth your time. Of course, I can be proven wrong, and in which case that Seethelightofgod idiot really needs to examine its beliefs.

By Shawn Smith (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend temple. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in temple in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

I'm not naming names, but I think you both know who you are. ()

By SeeTheRightLight (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink


You are repeating yourself. Oh how much you value visiting your Human structure. It is still irrelevant and neither God cares.

Also, opinions of free westerners automatically override opinions of wanna be middle eastern. Take your religion back to the desert where it came from.

I was half expecting madtheswine to show up as well. but Seethelightofgod seems to hold well enough on his own.

I find it surprising that a group of people of diverse religions actually acknowledges the role religion plays in putting down women. That's something the catholic church still hasn't outgrown. If Carter and his buddies can reform religions, good on 'em. On the other hand, the devil inside me says it might be better for women to see how wretched religion is and simply abandon it. Then on the other hand, many can't or they'll be killed by the god-loving d00ds.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 25 Nov 2010 #permalink

single "career" women (aka Lesbians)


I think you have someone being sarcastically humorous here.

Maybe Jimmy Carter is just looking around and seeing the root cause of a lot of discrimination, then speaking out about it.

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend mosque. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in mosque in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend synagogue. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in synagogue in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend gudwara. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in gudwara in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend pizza hut. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in pizza hut in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.
There, I think that covers most of the bases.

It seems pretty obvious that Seethelightofgod is just being facetieous -if I am mistaken, please tell me so.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 26 Nov 2010 #permalink

Certain hazards are associated with embracing one's inner poe, and attempting sarcasm or satire. One such hazard is being unable to do it well enough that others will grasp one's meaning. Such attempts are often less illuminating than they are annoying.

By John Swindle (not verified) on 26 Nov 2010 #permalink

Jan, I would argue that there is nothing dissonant about Carter's statements and his religion. He simply states their finding that religious doctrine is often used to justify the subjugation of women. There is nothing inherently contradictory about Carter, as a religious person, saying this even if he himself held a religiously-informed opinion that women should be held inferior.

I'm always amused when it appears obvious that others are jealous of the fact that I attend hacky sac circles. To that I would just say that if you haven't stepped foot in a hacky sac circle in a month or longer, then you really should just keep your uninformed opinion to yourselves.

By Trevor Clements (not verified) on 30 Nov 2010 #permalink