The Actual Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival

And now, it is time for the April 1st edition of Four Stone Hearth, the four field Anthropological Blog Carnival.

Our first submission is from Somatosphere, a blog about Science, Medicine and Anthropology, and it is about the discover of Big Foot in the Poconos Mountains of Pennsylvania! No kidding, this time they REALLY FOUND BIG FOOT. Click here to read about bigfoot.

Our next installment is from the blog Seeing Race, and is live blog coverage of a recent investigation into the Burbank TV studio that was used in the Faking of the Apollo 11 moon Landing! Seriously! CLICK HERE
to find out about how they faked the moon landing! No kidding!

Then, we have, from The Primate Diaries, we have a report of the first successful hybridization of a Human and a Chimpanzee! The amazing thing is that the hybrid now has a blog on called "Living in Uncanny Valley." Seriously. Read about it here!

And now, finally, proof that leprechauns exist! No kidding! THEY REALLY DO, CLICK HERE!!!11!!

Time traveling tells us about an anthropological field school where everyone went to Mars and saw Elvis. No kidding. CLICK THIS LINK AND BELIEVE!

Anthropologist Underground presents evidence of the once thought to be apocryphal Hot Headed Naked Mole Rat of the Antarctic. Seriously, no kidding! CLICK HERE!

And Aardvark Archaeology has excavated a site that demonstrates that the Pyramids were built by SPACE ALIENS!!!!!


April Fools!!!!

Somatosphere: An An interview with Marcia Inhorn.

Seeing Race is a new blog that you should pay attention to, and the current post (but they are all of interest) is Lady Instructors Suffers For You

The Primate Diaries: Cultural Transmission in Chimpanzees

Anthropology in Practice: The Irish Diaspora: Why Even Trinidadians Are a Little Irish

Time Traveling: On Anthropology Field Schools . Also, A Visit to the Market and Some Baybay Memories

Anthropologist Underground: (Sub)Culture Shock! Part II

Aardvark Archaeology: Ritual and Rationality

The four stone heath blog carnival site is here. No kidding. And, the next edition is schedules for a Hot Cup of Joe. I am not making this up.

Please visit all the sites, Stumble on them, Digg them, and post them on your Facebook Page if you love Anthropology. Or even if you only kinda like Anthropology. Or,like most Anthropologists, if you tolerate anthropology enough that you don't kill it when you see it. Usually.

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Four Stone Hearth is the Anthropology Blog Carnival. The main page for the carnival is here. The previous carnival was held at A Hot Cup of Joe, and the next edition will be at Natures/Cultures blog. The current edition of the Four Stone Hearth Anthropology Blog Carnival is ..... HERE, below the…