Psychic to be executed

When stupid belief systems collide:

Amnesty International is calling on Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah to stop the execution of a Lebanese man sentenced to death for "sorcery."

In a statement released Thursday, the international rights group condemned the verdict and demanded the immediate release of Ali Hussain Sibat, former host of a popular call-in show that aired on Sheherazade, a Beirut based satellite TV channel.

Source, more.

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death sentence for being an entertainer?

Tom Green

By Bill James (not verified) on 20 Mar 2010 #permalink

Makes you wonder what he Predicted. You would think they'd keep him around to know how to watch their backs. Seers have been around since before time began. Who is the Original Seer? Who created Everything..the Original Seer. It's a sad day when a country believes to kill a living and breathing brother, son, father, husband, friend and good Samaritan because of what he predicted? By whose Authority? You are all just living breathing people, Not God's! You too will one day cease to exist...Poof! and soon forgotten, World Wide. Or do the right thing, it's a prediction, if you believe it could happen, stop wasting time and figure out how to correct it, without killing anybody. Killing him isn't going to stop, what ever he predicted. In fact it will make it a fact. Setting him free, will bless and save you all.

We all have a third eye, the question is whether or not yours is active. Generally if it is third-eye psychic ability there is a buzzing sensation just between and above the eyes, but not all psychic impressions come in through the third eye.

Whether they have been known as Sorcerers or Witches, Psychics have always been persecuted throughout history in the developing world. However, many of the older civilizations including Red Indians see these people as âwise menâ or âprofitsâ and are often held in high regard and hold a position of respect.

It is hard to believe that nowadays psychic ability cannot be accepted in a so called modern world.

I generally think of "profits" when someone claims psychic abilities. For example, when one spams a blog with a link to a service that invites people to throw away $1/minute on phone calls with so-called psychics.

Such as shame. These actions degenerated human judgment and takes away what most people have long fought for--freedom. I believe that if it does not hurt any one, it should not be outlawed.

By Accurate psychic (not verified) on 24 May 2011 #permalink