Un-be-Flockin'-lievable (birds)

These are starlings:

Bonus Video:

I prefer the non-fiction birds.

Hat Tip: Analiese

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By Rich Wilson (not verified) on 15 Nov 2009 #permalink

American passenger pigeon niche has a new tenant?

abb3w, I believe this video is from Europe (could be wrong about that).

Passenger pigeons were specialists in acorns, so niche wise they've bee replaced by ... squirrels. And I suspect the squirrels may be behind their disappearance .... thoug I've not proven the connection yet.

dunno about this particular video, but yes, that's precisely how European skies look in November. I've seen this weird dance many times as a kid :-)

Well it's fall here in Dayton, Ohio, and the starlings are doing the same flocking thing except that they'll be heading back the other way.

I've observed them gathering in impressive flocks for six or seven years now. They don't gather as densely as the above video but the group behavior is the same.

Up until two years ago there was a small wetland area nearby with tall trees that hosted some of the larger flocks I've seen locally. Now it is a large department store with several acres of parking. There are some trees left around the edges and some adjacent areas have remained untouched. The north/south bypass, I675, passes through the middle of it all.

I was noticing this past week while returning from work that despite a reduction in trees, rookeries, there did not seem to be fewer starlings. While counting birds is dicey while driving I have the impression that the flock returns to the location not because it is a good rookery but because they know how to get there. Older generations have led younger ones there and then the younger ones have grown older and led younger ones there. I wonder if, as the older generation of 'leaders' dies off, the size of the flock diminishes. If so, it might indicate that a smaller and less accommodating rookery would not imprint so strongly on the memory of tomorrow's leaders.

Notwithstanding their behavior or my hypothesis they certainly are a most urban critter and their behavior is almost instantly recognizable as vaguely familiar, almost . . . human.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 15 Nov 2009 #permalink

. . . er, strike that "their behavior or" in the last paragraph. What I get for multi-tasking.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 15 Nov 2009 #permalink

Are you talking about the first video or the second video????

err, oops. the first one :-p

how is the first video NOT proof of a Flying Spaghetti Monster?! Look at them writhe like a mass of noodles!