Lewis Black + Big Bang = I might watch it once

I never watch TV or read anything that is not directly related to myre search interests in see dispersal eo-evolution.

Don't you hate it when people say shit like that? Because you KNOW they are full of shit when they do!

But seriously, I am very bad at watching TV shows that have a plot running over more than one episode and lately, Rachel Maddow has totally taken over prime time, so who cares about sitcoms? It seems that "The Big Bang Theory," a TV show about nerdy roomates and the hot chicks they can't have (according to the commercials ... I actually have not seen it) is of interest to many of my colleagues because they keep mentioning it. It is also controversial, because how dare they have those thin heteronormative dumb blonds running around all the time. Or whatever.

Anyway, I signed on to Twitter this morning with my new twitter client (a-tweet) and found out the following:

  1. Most of the tweets were about twitter;
  2. One of the tweets was about a study that showed that most of the tweets were about twitter;
  3. Bug_Girl had something interesting to say.

What did Bug Girl have? Well, Lewis Black, it would appear, is going to play an entomologist on The Big Bang. An etymologists who's wife ran away with an ornithologist! Now, THAT is funny!!!!!! Seriously! (you see, on average, the average bird eats the average insect on a regular basis ... birds are insect eaters, insects are bird food, though the same thing could be said of seeds. And since the same thing can be said of seeds, the show is now about seed dispersal syndromes, so I now have TWO excuses to watch it: Lewis Black and Seed Dispersal Mechanisms!

In case you are wondering about my a-tweet application, this was the output:

Been listening to XII by Twelfth Night. Singer is old pal of mine. Nostalgia...

Ok, this *is* kind of awesome--Lewis Black to play entomology prof!!! http://www.sidereel.com/_post/166049

Requirements Wordpress RSS aggregator Project http://bit.ly/QH4Hc

If pants be the food of love, play on! #Shakespeareanpants

The universe is a really big place: Watch this movie to get a little taste. Read the comments on this post... http://bit.ly/102Jbu

Namifiers Announces Search Engine Optimization and 2.0 Social ... http://bit.ly/1iTzPO

Facebook's July Growth Outpaces Twitter! « Socially Fresh : Daily ... http://bit.ly/4ybdPF

Twitter dominated by `pointless babble': study http://bit.ly/h1hmM

And the application is actually a script I wrote myself, which will be revealed later today on this very blog.

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I watch "The Big Bang Theory" almost every week, namely because it is the funniest show out there right now. The best part: There are tons of anthropological references. I highly recommend renting the first season and giving it a test drive. The episode entitled "The Middle Earth Paradigm" is especially funny as there is a whole scene where one of the physicists compares himself to Jane Goodall at a party where he is observering his fellow party goers.

I love that show - but I agree with Donna, you should watch an episode or two before you watch the one you are waiting for. It's like sex - the first time isn't the best- but it just keeps getting better and better. :-)