Greg is at Connie

The con, as in this con. The convergence con (known as "connie") is a science fiction convention, and this is the first time I've ever been to one. It is just like such things are depicted in the movies and on TV with one minor exception: On TV and in the movies many of the actors playing Con visitors are dressed as Star Wars characters, and today I saw only one Star Wars character and it was R2D2

But I'm not here for the funny costumes, I'm here for the science.

And, I got to meet some of by blogospheric heros! The Skepchicks are here, and I'm at the conference as their guest (as organized primarily by Carr2d2). The Skepchicks are setting up Skepchickcon at Connie, and today they were rigging up the party room with black lights, astronomical displays, and by coating everything in plastic (just in case). Room 227 at The Con. Each night of the conference there will be different theme, but the same plastic coating.

Tonight's theme is space. Wear rubber gloves and goggles just in case.

Most of what I'm involved in will happen on Saturday where the Skepchickcon runs as a skeptics "track" addressing evolutionary biology, skeptical blogging, and so on.

I also had a very pleasurable dinner with Bug Girl, who is also a Skepchick and one of my hero bloggers. We ate at a small out of the way French Restaurant near the convention. The service, by the pastry chef herself, Nichole, was excellent, and the food quite well done with reasonable prices considering that it was Le Cuisine Francais, which tends to run a bit higher than yer average joint.

Tomorrow, there is a meet up in the evening that if you are going to Connie you should not miss.

See you at the party! Or, the panel (Atrium 7, Saturday).

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qul Daq chaH DaH!! DaH! DaH!

At the very least, you should check out the MST3K crew. Joel Hodgson and Trace Beaulieu are hilarious.

I'm a complete retard. I thought I would recognize you, but I did not, even when you talked to me when I mentioned your name aloud when I was looking for you before Skepticism 101 started. I was thinking, "Who's this guy and why is he talking to me?" Ha! I then realized afterward how retarded I was and that it was you.

I won't be making it to the 9:30 panel (look at time of posting) 'cause I was hanging out with the Skepchicks and they are a bad influence, them and their fucking Tang.

I'll more appropriately introduce myself instead of being a dick like today (well... yesterday now).