Help Al Franken One More Time!!!!

I just got an email from my close personal friend, Al Franken. Here's part of it (I cut out the personal smushy stuff):

I've said it before, and I want to say it again: THANK YOU.

We just received word that the Minnesota State Supreme Court has ruled on Norm Coleman's appeal. I wanted to let you know right away, the court upheld our victory in a 5-0 decision.

Paul Wellstone said that successful organizing is based on the recognition that people get organized because they, too, have a vision. He also said that politics only has to do with trying to do right by people.

Throughout this campaign we've shared a vision of a new direction for our country. We know what we want - an economy that works for everyone, universal health care, and to create new jobs through renewable energy investment. As Senator-elect, I intend to take our shared vision of progress to Washington and try to do right by every single Minnesotan.

That's the good news. Now, the bad news. Even though this process has reached its conclusion, we still very much need contributions to our recount fund.

It's taken immense amounts of work by scores of dedicated legal professionals and campaign staff to preserve the win we achieved together. The financial resources required to continually defend our victory in court over the past seven and a half months were enormous.

Come on, just five bucks even. CLICK HERE


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Always willing to help, put me down for $94,000

Sincerely yours,


By Norm Coleman (not verified) on 02 Jul 2009 #permalink