Congressman Keith Ellison Arrested

Did he take a bribe? Did he try to buy a senate seat? Did he misuse campaign funds?

NO! He was trying to save the lives of thousands, make life better for countless people living under the oppressive regime of the Sudanese government. Minnesota Fifth District Congressman Keith Ellison was arrested along with others at the Sudanese Embassy where they were protesting the current situation in Darfur. Details are available here at MN Progressive Project.

Ellison's office has released the following statement regarding Darfur:

Today, I join with my Congressional colleagues and advocates from Save Darfur and ENOUGH to demand the Government of Sudan immediately take humanitarian action on the situation in Darfur.

The crisis in Darfur remains dire and the humanitarian situation has worsened since the March 4 expulsion of aid agencies.

We protest the expulsion of 13 international NGOs working in Darfur and against the closure of 3 Sudanese NGOs.

Together, these 16 organizations employ nearly 40 percent of the aid workers in Darfur -- 6,500 national and international workers.

U.S. Special Envoy Scott Gration recently traveled to Khartoum and secured commitments from the Sudanese government to reverse the negative impacts of the NGO expulsions.

We encourage Khartoum to deliver on its promises to implement policy actions to end the deteriorating humanitarian crisis.

We implore all countries to demand that the Government of Sudan respect and protect human rights and put an end to the acts of atrocities and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

As Members of Congress, we will work to ensure sufficient funding for U.S. diplomatic efforts, bilateral peacekeeping support, U.N. peacekeeping operations, and development and humanitarian projects for Sudan in the FY2009 Emergency Supplemental and the FY2010 appropriation bills.

Actions in Minnesota

Lastly, let me conclude by saying that our actions today are a part of raising awareness about genocide during this, "Genocide Prevention Month."

In my home state of Minnesota just yesterday, a rally was held at the state Capitol called "Day for Darfur: The Faces of Genocide" organized by state and local groups as part of the national campaign in remembrance of those who died; to protect the remaining survivors; and prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

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Wow, something we haven't seen in ages. A politician with the guts to stand up for what they believe in, and take consequences.

I thought they were extinct? Amazing.

Great headline: I clicked.

He's a Hero.

Norquist, et al, is a pimple.

By Matthew Platte (not verified) on 27 Apr 2009 #permalink

If Keith Ellisonâs name wasnât in the title, I would have thought that you were reporting old news. In May 2006 five Congressmen were arrested after a rally which was sponsored by the Save Darfur Coalition
At that time, the effort was to get President Bush to address the issue.
Speaking at the rally was âU.S. Senator Barack Obama, an Illinois Democrat, co-sponsor of the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act that would bring sanctions against Darfur genocide perpetrators; and U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who recently led a bipartisan congressional delegation to Darfur.â
Sad to say, but only the names have changed.