Zoo Borns claims "A second serving of adorable Asian Small-clawed Otter pups born just three weeks ago at Sea World Orlando. As you can hear on camera, these social otters often communicate vocally, in this case with a very fitting chirp."
Then they have these bogus video:
I'm sure these are going to turn out to be Large-clawed Otters. What do you think?
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I think I'm going to drive over there and steal them so I have four baby otters to cuddle... They're so cute they're driving me to crime.
i waaaaaant!!
Holy crap. That's weapons-grade cute.
Yeah, I agree. The chirping was highly questionable. Damned cute video, though. I <3 the zooborns site.
Did you see the fake baby rabbit zoo borns posted yesterday? It had a kitten face and the fakiest green eyes, but it was so CUTE. Anyway, I owe my addiction to zoo borns and Julie Zickefoose to you. Julie has pictures of real otters she played with, for reals. And an adorable Boston Terrier named Chet Baker who I makes me want to drive to Ohio and do some dog napping.