Verizon = Morons

Which you already knew. But then there's this:

It makes cents to them.

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AHAHAHAHAHA YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I passed this one up on the daily Failblog because I didn't have headphones. Glad you posted this.

This is singularly the most delightful and the most infurating thing I've seen. EVER.

OMG I hate Verizon. They are the worst company! Sorry, but I have to rant:

First, when I was 17 and 10 months old, my mom got me a cell phone. Since I wasn't 18, I couldn't be the account holder. They said not to worry, and gave us a form to turn in when I turned 18 to switch me to the account holder. So I turn 18. I hand in the form. A few months later I call about some issue, and they refuse to speak to me, because I'm not the account holder. So my mom talks to them, gets another form, we send it in, and meanwhile she tells them to talk to me unrestricted by her permission just in case. I call again later. They refuse to talk to me again. We fax the form, and still no change, and they STILL didn't listen to my mom when she said "just talk to her, I approve you releasing everything to her and her to make any and all changes". We sent them that damned form at least 6 times over the two year contract, and I never became the account holder or had access to it without calling my mom first. I mean seriously!

Then, of course, I get coaxed into Verizon Fios for my cable. The first month, they charge us for our DVR that we're supposed to get free for a year. We call, and they say "oops, sorry, here, have a free month of HBO for our mistake". The next month rolls around, and they've charged us for the free HBO. We call again. They say they'll fix it. Next month, only 1/2 of the charge for the previous month is taken off, and they've charged us another 1/2 a month's worth. We complain again. They say they'll fix it. Next month they've only credited 1/3 of the last month's charge. Call again. I'll let you guess what they say. Finally, we've had them for 5 months and they haven't gotten one bill correct... I mean, how hard is it to fix something like that?! We call to cancel since they can't seem to charge us the right amount, and get bounced around to 5 different customer service people before we can finally convince someone to stay on the line and deal with us.

I will never, ever, ever purchase anything from them ever again.

Even a dolt like me sees the problem here :-)

Difference of opinion - what a hoot !

What are you complaining about? At least you got to speak to a human in the same country, not a computer generated voice or someone in a different continent, as usually happens in Australia.

By Wayne Robinson (not verified) on 20 Feb 2009 #permalink

OMG! I have no idea what to think of this! You see, I'm pretty math-deficient and math-o-phobic, but even I can recognize the difference between $0.002 and 0.002 cents. Jeez.
Anne G

Uffda. Verizon. Gotta share my story too.

We added a cell phone line for my daughter back in August. They gave us one month of some "free" GPS feature. Earlier this month, I went to Verizon to remove the GPS charges. This was the 6th month IN A ROW I had been charged, and the 6th time I had been to the store to fix it!

The manager's explanation for why we were being charged repeatedly despite her removing the feature months earlier? "It got stuck at the switch." What the hell is "the switch"? She went as far as calling the imaginary people at "the switch" and proceeded to fake a conversation telling them to turn off the feature that got STUCK AT THE SWITCH! What a bunch of bull.

I'll let you know if we get charged again this month.


The Stupid, It Burns!

This sounds like just about every conversation I've had with Verizon. This is what one gets when you let people coast through remedial mathematics and call it good enough.

I think I need to lie down now.

How does the manager get stuck going from $1-$.50-.002 cents? "I dunno I'm not a mathematician." Can this be real? Holy shit.

This is the short version. There's a long version. It is epic, and highly recommended.