Some Technology Talk

First, I want to tell you that I think I might have accidentally broken facebook. It is going to be a while before this becomes apparent, but I think it might be true. Then, I've got some cool links for Linux Lovers.

Here's the story with facebook. I get a form from the University's Central Administration every semester or so asking "WTF is going on with certain students, because they seem to have a lot of credits and we just want to make sure they have a plan to finish soon." However, my students never need to have a form sent from Central because they are always good. So I get this form and I'm supposed to list my last contact, and the contact before, with those students. Well, four of the students are in the class I'm teaching now, so I simply note: "I am in weekly contact with each of these students." The other two students on the form happen to be students that are also my facebook friends, and we often stay in contact that way. So under "last contact" I wrote "Almost Daily" and under "Method of contact" I wrote "Facebook."

Now, I know the person that I sent this form back to, over in Student Services, is likely to contact me and say "Oh, you are using facebook. Great idea. Next time we get together to talk about technology you should give everyone the low down on what you are doing." But that person, who is very into using modern technology, will be passing the form on to someone else who is going to have to classify the "contact method" on a database. I did not pick one of the standard choices.

That will cause the form to be put in a special box. And the forms in that special box will then be passed on to a person who will sort them out, and some of the forms will be sent right back to data entry with a quick note as to what to do. But not my form. My form will be put in another special box. And so on and so forth until it gets to the Assistant Vice Provost in Charge of Snark and Internet Threats. This person will bring the idea that we are keeping in touch with facebook up at the next Security and Administrative Muddiness Committee Meeting, where it will be decided that the University needs a rule against anyone using face book ever, under any circumstances. They will make this rule out of fear and loathing. And since I am at one of the Big Ten, a major research and teaching university of great import, and since, as you know, I am actually a very highly placed administrator in charge of many important things as well as an instructor and adviser and shit, the threat ... the fear and the loathing ... will be palpable. And big.

So, the No Facebook rule will propagate first across the Bit Ten. Then the Little Ten. Then the Ivy League. Then the Ivy League Wannabees. Then USNY and UC.

Once all University based servers are reprogrammed to jam facebook access, all the kids who are currently paying the bills at Facebook will switch to some other social networking service, and that will be the end.

Sorry, Facebook. Didn't mean to totally ruin it for you. Ooops.

Now on to the cool Linux tech stuff.

Here is a nice free download of an Ubuntu pocket guide and reference.

Handbrake DVD Ripper On Linux.

Did you know that Cuba has it's own Linux distro now? It is called Nova. Details here.

I think I'm about to set up a new server shortly, and I'll be checking this out: The Perfect Server - Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0)

OK, I'm off to teach. Have a nice evening.

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I did something similar at work when they instituted a policy for PDAs syncing with work PCs. They totally had no clue what to do about someone using a Sharp Zaurus running Linux. Blew their tiny little minds. So they ended up banning all PDAs except for those explicitly purchased by the company.

I miss my Linux box. I had partitions for Ubuntu, Debian and Gentoo. Boy do I miss those hours spent configuring and compiling my own kernels... wait, I miss that? Something must not be right up stairs.

Better watch out Greg, or before long you'll be relegated to a Windows PC with only MS Office, Internet Explorer, and Outlook Express installed. And I don't even want to think of the URL blacklist they'll have on the firewall.

The Cuban Linux distro sounds like an excellent idea. Their systems will be more secure, and they will actually be able to get support from the millions of Linux users world-wide. "Software Without Borders" anyone?

Thanks for doing your part in contributing to the impending demise of Facebook. Down with Facebook. Myspace rules. And Windows too. Myspace and Windows. Rock on.

My phone just died - and my company require use of windows Mobile if you want/need a smartphone (it's a partnership thing).

Anyway - they restrict the devices I can use. From the many dozens of Win Mobile 6.1 devices out there - and the few that are already upgradable to 6.5 - I get to pick from a list of three. whoop. dee. dooo. (HP 910, Motorola Q, Samsung Blackjack II)

My current phone is an HTC TyTN II / ATT Tilt. I like it. I like having a keyboard I can use, that isn't taking up valuable real estate. I like having a screen large enough to see, and big enough to use with my stylus. I like having enough memory, and battery life, and WiFi & GPS & Bluetooth. It's a little thicker than I'd like, but that's a small price to pay for the functionality.

I would have upgraded to the newest Touch Pro but that's not allowed, 'cos it's not approved! I'd even pay for the upgrade cost myself - but I'm not allowed to connect it!

Stupid bureaucratic rules.

...And since I am at one of the Big Ten, a major research and teaching university of great import, and since, as you know, I am actually a very highly placed administrator in charge of many important things as well as an instructor and adviser and shit, the threat ... the fear and the loathing ... will be palpable. And big.

Hahaha...classic GL. Once again, your post has helped lighten up my day...