Stuff White People Like Guy Coming to UMN

Popular blogger and author Christian Lander will discuss his book, Stuff White People Like, on Monday, January 26 at 4:00 p.m. at the University of Minnesota Bookstore in Coffman Memorial Union, 300 Washington Ave. S.E. Minneapolis.

Lander decided early on that he did not like white people who did not watch the TV show "The Wire." His thoughts soon focused on what white people were doing instead of watching the show and thus his widely popular and provocative blog was born. Now after nearly 30 million visitors, Lander has compiled some of his best thoughts and stories from the blog into his story behind the blog--Stuff White People Like.

Lander will sign copies of his book following the discussion. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, or to order a signed copy visit this link.

quote from the UMN bookstore facebook page.

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This white boy loved "The Wire" and wishes for more episodes....

By wildlifer (not verified) on 12 Jan 2009 #permalink

I've seen that list. Perhaps I'm missing something significant, but pattern-recognition suggested to me that the next entries of "Stuff White People Like [And Stuff Non-White People Presumably Shouldn't]" are "Gainful Employment," "Political Participation," and "Education." >.>