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I am assuming that many bloggers will ease up on posting over the holiday break, but there is still plenty of good stuff to read - just browse the latest carnivals:
Tangled Bank #67: Giving thanks for science - now up on Newton's Binomium
The 48th meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: last will and…
Since there's more to the world than Cephalopodmas, here are some refuges if you get tired of my giddy squiddiness.
Skeptics' Circle: the Sagan celebration!
Four Stone Hearth #3
Carnival of the Feminists #29
Carnival of the Liberals #28
Friday Ark #118
Talk among…
The 24th edition of the Four Stone Hearth is up on Moneduloides
Gene Genie Edition #40 is up on Human Genetics Disorders
While the conference site is down and before the new one is built, I need, for myself, a list of blog carnivals I follow, so here I am putting it here for my own reference (let me know if I am missing a delightful and useful carnival - if you manage one of them, make sure I am on your mailing list…