Palin and McCain Hate Spreads: Acorn Office Attacked (and more)

In my opinion, it is time to bring McCain and Palin in for questioning. There is currently a $5,000 reward being offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of the members of the McCain gang who are responsible for this latest outrage.


ACORN Massachusetts' head organizer Noemi "Mimi" Ramos arrived at the organization's offices in Fields Corner Thursday morning, Oct. 16, to find the front door unlocked, three desktop computers missing, internet and phone lines ripped out of the walls and general disarray.

Ten minutes after she was scheduled to start for the day at 10 a.m., she was calling the police instead. Detectives collected photos and fingerprints and discovered a small basement window open in the rear of the building at 196 Adams Street, with no sign of forced entry. The building's burglar alarm was also torn out of the wall, and a vending machine was damaged, the change inside stolen.

"We think a lot of this may have to do with what's happening nationally," said Ramos on the phone later that day, referring to charges of voter registration fraud that were brought against the national ACORN organization. The alleged irregularities were found in eight states, but Massachusetts was not among them. "Massachusetts isn't a swing state," said Ramos. "We've only registered 700 people to vote."


ACORN Workers Receive Death Threats, Racist Emails, and Phone Calls Velvet Revolution Offers $5,000 For information On Break-Ins

Two ACORN offices, one in Boston and the other in Burien, Washington (south of Seattle) have been attacked and ransacked. In Burien, the office was vandalized and computers were stolen. In Boston, the burglar alarm was torn from the wall, along with internet and phone lines. Computers and coins from a vending machine were stolen.

Police have taken photos and fingerprints and are investigating.

Hat tip: Ana.


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Not surprising. The right wing in America has been stirring up it's members w/ bullshit for how many years now. I'm just surprised it doesn't happen more often.

The Fields Corner theft is more likely to be regular burglary. The kind of people who are riled up at Palin rallies would be conspicuous in Fields Corner.

Seems Obama gangs are active also.

Car displaying McCain sticker vandalized
Saturday, October 18, 2008

CLEARWATER (Bay News 9) -- A Clearwater man's vehicle that displayed a bumper sticker supporting John McCain has been defaced in what appears to be a hate crime, authorities say.

According to authorities, 41-year-old Frank Armstrong's 2006 Lexus LS 430 was parked on the 1400 block of Gulf Boulevard when someone or a group of people scratched the letters "KKK" into the paint and burned a U.S. Flag on the vehicle.

Joel: I don't think so. The word on the street is that McCainanites are taking Obama signs off of people's lawns, defacing bumber stickers, etc. whole sale across the country. I had dinner with someone last night who has had a whole series of signs taken from her yard ... her signs and all her neighbor's signs ... four or five times in a row now.

No, there are no Obama gangs. Just this one odd news report and a very large number of angry Republicans whipped up by the bellicose language of McCain, Palin and people like Michelle Bachmann.

Sign steeling is nothing new. I wasn't able to keep a Kerry sign in my yard in 2004.

Both McCain and Obama fans are replacing each other's signs here. Some DJ's had a kind of bounty for McCain signs, which offended the Republicans and delighted the Democrats.

Both sides do it, but there is not a balance. Also, I have not heard of a single threat of physical violence or act of real (beyond lawn sign) violence against McCain or Palin or any organization linked to them.

Of course, what I like to do is call McCain supporters in the middle of the night and give them a pitch for McCain....

(only kidding)