PZ Myers vs. The Cracker

The same guy made this film:

Hat Tip PZ


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Great stuff right there!!! You know i'm going to use that... who is this creator cat? relentless!!!!

The type of music selected is a clear indication of the overall mentality, or LACK there of, of the individual that "created" the clip!

Holy crap, that was brilliant.

I don't recognize all of the cast of characters, though - Richard Dawkins, PZ, Charles Darwin, and Clarence Darrow I got, but can someone fill me in on who the rest are?

From memory: William Paley, William Jennings Bryan, Eugenie Scott, and Sam Harris. I don't remember offhand if there are others, but Verizon isn't being nice to me today so I can't play flash stuff to check and see if I missed anyone. Sigh.

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink

Rats! I just knew I'd think of someone as soon as I hit the Post button! That's Daniel Dennett in the pimp hat.

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 28 Jul 2008 #permalink