Aliens Land!

... On this day in 1969, two aliens from a nearby planet landed on The Moon, while a third alien circled the planetoid.


.... astronaut stepped onto the Moon's surface, in the Sea of Tranquility, at 0256 GMT, nearly 20 minutes after first opening the hatch on the Eagle landing craft.


As he put his left foot down first Armstrong declared: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

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And they promptly proceeded to lower property values by leaving trash behind and stealing rocks. It's just as well tbere were no natives around to complain.

What year was it in the local calendar? (By using the aliens' calendar, you've just inadvertantly revealed yourself to be One Of THEM!!! [dunh-dunh Dunnnnhhhh!] )

BTW, I never understood Armstrong's quote until I heard that he meant to say "That's one small step for a man,..." That probably explains the awkward pause in the middle, too.

They were voice activated mics, so one syllable words in a sentence being clearly enunciated (and they told him to enunciate, you can be sure) simply went away.

Too bad they didn't mention to not use sexist language.

I know who it was because I was there.

Well, not there on the moon, but there watching every second on TV.

I won't say it though, give a chance to the others....