The end is near: Time to switch to Linux

If the difference between success and failure in your business, as the economy comes crashing down around you, is money, and you have ID demands, consider this:

With both people and companies having to squeeze a nickel's worth of good out of every penny, how long do you think people will be paying Microsoft for its imperfect operating systems and office suites? Vista Business SP1 'upgrade' has a list price of $199.95. Office 2007 Professional is $329.95. That's $529.90, or as much as a new low-end PC. Or, I could go with Ubuntu Linux for zero money down. if I wanted big business support, I could buy SLED (SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop) 10 SP 2 from Novell for $50. SLED, like any desktop Linux, includes OpenOffice 2.4 for free.

Which one would you buy when your IT budget is going to be cut to the bone?

Read the rest here.


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In my last job we switched all public machines to Ubuntu simply because managing Windows on them was getting to be a hassle.

But we couldn't roll it out on the desktops because we were too dependent upon MS Access VBA, and Word Templates.

We were making strides though until the new administration came in and the new I.T. director didn't know Linux so his solution was to replace existing Linux based mail, ldap, etc. servers with Windows servers.

That's about the time I left. Both of we systems guys warned them that the transition to a totally Windows environment would take a minimum of 6 months. It took over a year in reality.

Then of course they wanted to switch the web server from what was a LAMP server to something on Windows and they couldn't port the PHP applications and buying a content management system was prohibitively expensive. So they still use Plone with an Apache proxy on top of it.

Part of the problem is that the person with the authority to decide which OS his organization will buy will also be open to getting 'free gifts' on the side. He'll sell out his people out of his own personal greed.

Why is Solaris lower TCO than Linux?

And, what is a TCO, and do I need one?

TCO probably means True Cost of Ownership.

(I looked it up here.)

By David Canzi (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

David Canzi:

Actually, Total Cost of Ownership. Though I can't say I'd really trust any figures on TCO -- once you get past paying for OS, apps software, and support contracts, it's really a question of how much time tech support takes up.

And Solaris really isn't a bad choice either -- it's been open source since 2005 (or at least all the important parts have) so it's all in the family.

Giving up windows and MS Office wouldn't happen in my company anytime soon. What we have done, to save considerable amounts, is to run dummy terminals. They either Linux or Blazer (WNOS - Wyse Operating System), with an ICA connection into a windows server with terminal licensing. Makes admin, troubleshooting and updates a snap, do it once in one place and gets a global change. I think server based computing is the way corporate systems are going, with increases LAN/WAN bandwidth and the increase in green business practices (Thin clients use MUCH less energy, have a longer life [no moving parts, no HDD, no need to upgrade as server is doing the work]).