Poll Expelled! By Ben Stein

i-db5418d556ac4fcb694469e310eb0a0a-us_constitution.jpgExpelled!, the so called documentary, has a web site on MySpace. Recently they ran a poll asking if Intelligent Design should be taught in schools or not. The results of that poll overwhelming indicate "no" ... with 420 thousand "nay" votes and fewer than one thousand in favor of violating the tenets of the Constitution of the United States of America.

So The Expelled! web site meisters removed the poll.

Of coruse, they are not that smart, so they kinda screwed it up. You will be interested to know that the poll is still located here.

I'm getting tired of this unpatriotic crap.


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Well it helps when PZ sends his readers to go rock the vote.
However they only approve friends that they view as friendly, as well as only friendly messages.

Bwa HaHa! Ben Stein loses again.

He should get a tatoo: Born To Loose

You post this as if the poll and it results had any real meaning.

Oh, I get it: humor.


By ...tom... (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

That poll was hacked. The number against was just too large for some backwater MySpace page.

I've stayed out of the fray on this until I found their myspace page. I left a comment about single source not being scientific. I wonder if they approved it.

Of course it was hacked, and Pharyngula's comments thread has the whole story and blow-by-blow.

Come on, Greg, why WOULDN'T they take it down?

Aren't you kind of tired of the whole tired rhetoric crap, too? It's one thing to have fun crashing their poll; it's another thing to whine about them taking it down after it's been crashed.

Don't be an idiot: going and voting on a publicly accessible poll is not 'hacking.' So a bunch of people who read PZ's blog went and voted. Why is that foul? ID proponents could have done the same thing, if there were enough of them. This seems to indicate the poll was quite accurate: there are a hell of a lot more people out there who oppose ID. Nuff said.

By the way, Greg, nice softball interview with Mathis. Real hard hitting journalism, there.

porkchop: I can tell you unequivocally that the poll was hacked, at least in part. Not by a lot of people voting, but by coders spamming to poll with "AI votes."

Not that I particularly care, I think we should make the IDiots lives as difficult as possible, but just trying to set the record straight.

No sweat, porkchop. Be sure to let me know how well you do the next time you get 15 minutes over the phone with someone who doesn't particularly want to answer your questions.

Or better yet, let me know the next time you actually take the trouble to talk to Mathis directly. For however long.

Did you like the Myers interview better, or was that too softball, too?

J-Dog: I think you mean "Born To Lose"

"Born Too Loose" would be highly inappropriate. If there ever was a tight-ass, Stien would be it.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

Just out of curiosity, what's the evidence that the poll was "hacked" versus the Pharyngula effect. His blog averages 65,000 hits/day so isn't it possible? I'm not doubting it was "hacked," I'm just curious.

Ben Stein knows the poll was hacked because the results "surpress" ID!

ylooshi - only anecdotal evidence. I was on an IRC channel with people discussing how they hacked it. Not knowing much about computer science, I couldn't directly tell you how it was done. But if you're really that interested, I could refer you them.

The myspace page included an ad for Scientology. I hope that happens a lot.

By freelunch (not verified) on 01 May 2008 #permalink