Linnaeus' Legacy: Send Me your Posts!

Linnaeus' Legacy is "a monthly blog carnival devoted to the study of life's diversity, and the science of describing and understanding this diversity." The home page for the carnival is here.

The current issue of Linnaeus' Legacy is at Laelaps.

The reason I'm telling you all this is to get you excited about the next edition of Linnaeus' Legacy, which will be hosted here, on this blog.

The plan is to get the carnival up and running on the Fifth of January. Please send me your posts!

I'd like to have the posts in hand on the 4th of January but if you wake up on the morning of January fifth and suddenly remember that you forgot to send me the link to your latest post on Dinosaur Phylogeny, or whatever, send it anyway, I'll squeeze it in. We never promised which time zone the deadline is in.

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