
In case anyone's interested, I'm currently fooling around with Twitter. If you're interested, I'm user-id MarkCC. Feel free to ping me if you've got an interesting twitter feed that you think would interest me; I'm still building up my list. Eventually, if I find it useful, I'll put a Twitter sidebar here on GM/BM.


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Or not. You can also feel free to subscribe. Or not. Yes, my library has entered the Twitter age. I'll probably be the main tweeter but hopefully a couple of the other reference staff here will chip (chirp?) in from time to time. It took me a while to decide whether or not it's worth it to join…

This is a great way for your fans to follow you outside of this blog. Please start including links to the posts you mention in your Twitter feed itself (via TinyURL or similar). Thanks! :)

I have no intent to offend. Yet I must tell you that your paragraph is so full of jargon and assumptions that I can't work out what you're trying to tell us.
Clearly, I'm not a twitter user. Presumably, many of your readers are, but perhaps you could spell things out for those of us who aren't?
I looked up twitter about two months ago. I got the impression that its a site where we log in, and put a brief statement about what we're up to. We allow friends to see our twitter statements, and we can see theirs.
Maybe there's more to it that that, but it wasn't mentioned in the article where I looked it up.
So, here's the things I'm asking you to clarify:
I presume 'ping' you is 'ask to be a (twitter) friend'?
What's an interesting twitter feed?
What's a twitter list?
What's a twitter sidebar?

By John-In-Oz (not verified) on 06 Dec 2008 #permalink