Eliezer Yudkowsky & Razib Khan on bloggingheads.tv

And you were such a handsome wee lad.

By bioIgnoramus (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

The tendency to want to think about things is called high "need for cognition." See Cacciopo

You can get leg extensions.

I'm not saying you should, I'm just saying you can.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 06 Feb 2010 #permalink

You've been on Bloggingheads a few times now with some interesting folks. Do you plan on becoming a regular?

that wasn't bed-head, that was something i did consciously!

i've done 5 blogging heads since the end of september, and 7 since last march when i started, so i guess i'm semi-regular. i have no plans for greater frequency. a few of the times i've been asked to do a segment (like this time with eliezer, though he & i mooted the idea last fall), and a few of the times i've done the asking. no plan, just bottom up.

When all you can see is a face shot of people you can't help noticing things like hair styles. Razib looked like the wild man of Borneo.

The day my whole genome can be sequenced in an understandable form, with the genes noted, and alleles noted, rather than a long list of four nucleotides and for $100.00 is the day I will believe in God. It cost me $400 for 23andMe's rather mundane efforts at finding the SNPs of interest to them. Frankly it was not worth the money.

What Razib said about how the average person views their results if not to their expectations is correct. On 23andMe most of the folks there come from a small, biased and ignorant section of the world's people. All they want is to find they are related to Vikings or some other mythic people, and they look at their results quite simply. I am totally sick of the biases: It is either WASP or Ashkenazim Jewish. Nothing for the people, the rest of humanity, who are not WASPs or Jewish. 23andMe are quite hostile to any real information. It is like a rehash of the McCarthy era. My interest is not in diseases I might get should I live long enough, death being 100% guaranteed, nor finding obscure cousins with whom I share tiny bits of dna. I am just interested in my SNP results, and where I slot in the world genetically. I know my parents and ancestry, I know my ethnic group, I know my "race", and I know from where in the world most of my ancestry comes from. Basically 23andMe's offerings are just a waste of time, money and give no insights.