Google Wave, forgotten

I hadn't logged into my Google Wave account for about a month. No one seems to be using it. But I checked it out the other day, and it seems someone finally contacted me last week...turns out it was an "old friend" who I've been ignoring because of his anti-social personality disorder (blocked him from my regular Gmail account). Thanks Google Wave for helping me reconnect with people who I've been trying to avoid!

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Google Wave has to do more than that! I mean, there are programs out there that "re-connect" folks, like than one called face... face... oh, what it the name of that program? It has the word face and book in it?

What's Google Wave? (I suppose I could, you know, Google it...) Sounds like something geeks do at a sports stadium.

I guess that's an example of destructive interference.

Google Wave has to do more than that! I mean, there are programs out there that "re-connect" folks, like than one called face... face... oh, what it the name of that program? It has the word face and book in it?

The good thing about Wave is that it is supposed to essentially combine the benefits of email, instant messaging, and wikis in one medium. Social networking sites offer less interactivity, as they are really more like message boards with fancy user profiles.