Down with historical whiggishness!

A few days ago I suggested that it is folly to expect Europeans would elect a person of color to their highest office when so few Europeans are persons of color. Today in Slate a piece basically suggests that Americans should not be so full of themselves, Only in America? The wrongheaded American belief that Barack Obama could only happen here:

People are still amazed he won. In a country where more than a few white folks would still say outright that one of "them'' shouldn't be in charge, here was a politician who didn't downplay his ethnicity, his foreign-sounding name, or his father who wasn't even a Christian. And he wasn't just ethnically atypical. He'd made himself a member of the country's meritocratic elite. He wrote real books that really sold. That blend of outsider detachment and obvious ambition drove his earnest enemies crazy.

So they attacked him as doubly strange, both "not like us'' and elite. They claimed you could not trust this man, that he was unknowable, unreliable, a snob, and a toff. They ridiculed the seal he'd contrived for himself, with its Latin motto meaning, roughly, "yes, we can.'' These same rhetorical ploys did not keep Benjamin Disraeli (motto: "forti nihil difficle''; literally "nothing is difficult to the brave'') from twice becoming prime minister of Great Britain during the reign of his good friend Queen Victoria. So could we Americans stop patting ourselves on the back about the supposed uniqueness of our electing Barack Obama president?

The author then goes on to point out some examples:

Of course, opponents of such candidates try the usual xenophobic rhetoric, only to find that this time, it falls flat. In India, when the opposition BJP screeched about Sonia Gandhi's European ethnicity and Christian faith, it ultimately provoked more hostility to the BJP than to her. She ended up declining the premiership, but it was clear the job was hers if she wanted it. Moreover, ethno-discordant leadership is not confined to nations that hold elections. Stalin, of course, wasn't Russian. It's a matter of some debate whether Alexander the Great was ethnically Greek. Quite a few rulers of the Roman Empire came from underprivileged, barbarian families in North Africa, Syria, and the Balkans. The Times' portrait of ethnically blinkered European politics would have surprised not only Disraeli and Napoleon, but also, inter alios, such second- and third-century Roman emperors as Philippus (known as Philip the Arab for his ethnicity), Septimius Severus (father Roman, mother North African), and Diocletian (humble stock from Dalmatia, present-day Croatia).

The first immediate problem with going so far back in history is that many of our political expectations are predicated on a universal assumption that the democratic nation-state is the normal form of human government. But for most of history the nation-state did not exist, though I would argue that the Greek city-states replicated many of its features on a smaller scale. None of the Roman emperors mentioned were barbarians; they were rather citizens of the empire, and often from Latin-speaking or Latinized families (the distinction by the imperial era was minimal). The relative inclusiveness and assimilationist tendencies of the Roman political class was something which Greek thinkers such as Polybius noted early on, and it was seen as a source of strength. In contrast, the relatively xenophobic Greek city-states were by their nature unscalable, so the Hellenistic monarchs naturally adopted the forms of oriental despotism after the fall of Alexander's empire.* The gens Claudius, which was arguably the most prominent and powerful old patrician family during the late Roman republic and early empire were themselves of Sabine origin (yes, this was very far back, but the fact that they did not invent an indigenous Roman origin tells you something about the nature of acceptance of aliens in their milieu).

Our modern ideas of what the "Other" consists of is strongly shaped by the rise of the nation-state after the French revolution, and the final dissolution of polyglot entities such as the Austro-Hungarian empire in the 20th century. Though pre-modern peoples were xenophobic, their perceptions were shaped by different sets of values and often scaled very locally (e.g., the people across the river are foreign). Additionally, for most of history there was only a weak correlation between who ruled and the popular will. The late Roman emperors ruled because they led the armies which were the primary expenditure of the state. Nero's folly was that he alienated much of the elite class upon which he depended to run the empire (when the soldiers at the frontier heard of the usurpation many were angry). Obviously the rise of Stalin had more to due with the politics of the Communist party, not the attitude of the typical Russian. Oligarchies are often relatively open to "outsiders" so long as those outsiders pay their dues (e.g., in Rome provide service to the republic or empire and accumulate wealth). It is in the democratic spirit that having a political leader who "looks like us" and "believes like us" becomes more important.

Implicit in many attempts to put modern events into a historical framework are the assumptions that the march of history has been characterized by greater democracy, greater cosmopolitanism, greater pluralism and greater tolerance. But not so, these have waxed and waned, and not always in sync. I think a strong argument can be made obviously that the trendline has been toward greater democracy despite regressions such as the destruction of the Greek democracies by Macedon and Rome, but in the other cases I think the picture is much more mixed, though I suppose if by "pluralist" you mean an acceptance of total cultural relativism no pre-modern society would satisfy....

Addendum: The Roman's were probably rather shocked and appalled by Odoacer's usurpation. That would be a much better analogy.

* The argument can be made that the Macedonian dynasties which presided over the Hellenistic era were in any case derived from a political culture which was inimical to the democratic and populist strand which was prominent in Greece proper.


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The Roman's were probably rather shocked and appalled by Odoacer's usurpation.

Disappointed might be nearer the mark. Various German generals had been creating and destroying puppet western emperors for a generation by then, so it must have been foreseeable; also Odoacer took power with the full support of the eastern emperor and technically reigned as his viceroy, which may have sugared the pill.

On the question of whether the Macedonians were ethnically Greek, the Greeks thought not at the time, which is to the point in the passage you quote. Alexander's father, Philip II wanted to be accepted as Greek, but he had to force his way into pan-Hellenic institutions by threats and violence.

Very large states tend to be multi-ethnic for obvious reason - Austria-Hungary and the USSR are obvious recent European examples, and normally a degree of ethnic accommodation is necessary to stability. However, since 1918, there has been a tendency for European states to fragment along ethnic lines, which has generally reinforced the barriers against minorities winning high office. A parallel to Obama might be more likely in China (no), India (sort of), Indonesia (no) or Nigeria (maybe soon). And there's always Evo Morales.

Nevertheless the American election of Obama is, on many respects merely the election of a man who is a son of an immigrant ( who happens to be black and East African too) and a native. Second generation immigrants making it are relatively common in Europe, even nationalists. De Valera was part Spanish. ( i wont say that Hitler was Austrian since Statehood and nationality/ethnicity are not the same, and he was born in an Empire). But Sarkozy is Hungarian.

Now lets get to the nub. African Americans are the Other of America ( and not just of whites). So much so that 300-400 years after their first arrival into what is now the US they are a distinct group and will be so for ever, if trends continue. On the other hand the Afro Caribbean group in England will assimilate well within that time, and possibly with a few generations which means a British PM of african descent will be likely - he just might look white, or brown. A muslim is less likely, but the nature of assortive religious mating will keep that distinction ( Not that the chances of a Muslim President are any better)

Note that we all dont have the same Other's. I cant see Catholic Kings or Queens in the UK in my lifetime. A German is probably far from the leadership in Poland ( but the opposite could happen).

That 300-400 years is a long time for non-assimilation by any standards. There were no doubt strongly anti-Muslim Catholic Spaniards who were (unknowingly) of Arab descent 300 years after the reconquista.

Also i wonder how exactly any of this is a reparation for the sons and daughters of Slavery. Africa is multi-ethnic in itself and Kenyans look quite different from Western African tribes. A different people, so Obama's experience is not just not the African American one, he is not of the same people. Is this really reparation? To prove it isn't ( to myself at least) I imagine that Obama's father had gone to Australia, and married a white Australian. Obama grows up in Indonesia, and Tasmania moves to Australia and becomes PM.

Does this really tell us anything about white Australia's new relationship with "black" aboriginal australia.


Empires are different, as you say. Bonar Law was British Prime Minister, and could be viewed, according to taste, as British, in the narrow sense (either a Scot or an Ulsterman, according to taste), or a Canadian. (This was long after Canadian independence.) A bit more outlandish: during WWI some politicians wanted to replace the PM, the Welshman Lloyd George, by the South African Smuts. Smuts had fought against Britain in the Boer War! But he was a bloody impressive fellow and a member of the (WWI) Imperial War Cabinet. That would have been quite an appointment.

I have to agree somewhat with Eoin, Obama may be considered "Black", but he is not African-American in the normal sense of things. Jesse Jackson Jr may take his seat, as a senator for Illinois, and if Jackson were to run for President in the future, then he would be an African-American representative.

To modify Eoin's analogy somewhat, what if Obama's father had been Melanesian, instead of Kenyan - Obama would still have the same coloring - would still be considered "Black", by Americans, and would most probably represent African-Americans in politics...

would still be considered "Black", by Americans, and would most probably represent African-Americans in politics...

i think the fakery would be too obvious in that case....