As you can see to the left Gene Expression hasn't raised that much money this year. That's not so hot, but, some of the other ScienceBloggers have raised a bunch, so that's heartening. I also wanted to add that Seed will be "padding" our contributions this year, but right now the amount that Seed is giving is multiples greater than what I've raised so far, so I hope readers can help me out a bit....
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The first two pieces of this series were largely comic pieces. This one is more serious. I have said this before, but I'll repeat it - I came to science blogs for one reason, and one only - because there was no one else talking about facing up to our material limits on this kind of site, with…
As you may or may not remember from last year, a number of us at ScienceBlogs participated in a charity drive, raising $34,000 for the educational charity DonorsChoose. It's back again this year, and better than ever: we've got our own dedicated leader board, and the event this time out will be a…
Perhaps you remember June last year when a bunch of us sciencebloggers held a fund drive for science education through DonorsChoose.
Well, we are doing it again this year, more of us, and for a longer period of time - throughout the month of October. As was the case last year, the central…
Our month-long drive with DonorsChoose to raise funds for public school classroom projects has been under way for almost two weeks now. At the moment, the ScienceBlogs leaderboard show a total of $15,890 from 121 generous donors, benefiting 6,971 public school students.
That's pretty good work so…