Supernatural sex differences

The post below where I observed that in the United States men are over-represented among the Religious Right as opposed to the general population elicited a lot of response. I took some of the data from American Piety in the 21st Century which is broken down by sex and posted it below the fold....

Identify as... Black Prot. Evangel. Mainline Catholic Jewish Other None
Total 5.0 33.6 22.1 21.2 2.5 4.9 10.8
Male 2.8 30.0 22.1 23.8 2.5 6.0 12.8
Female 6.9 36.7 22.1 18.9 2.4 3.9 9.0
Self describe as... Bible Believing Born Again Theol. Conservative Evangel. Mainline Theol. Liberal  
Total 47.2 28.5 17.6 14.9 26.1 13.8  
Male 41.7 23.6 21.1 12.1 28.1+ 14.7+  
Female 52.0 32.8 14.6 17.3 24.4+ 13.0+  
Believe in... Authoritarian God Benevolent God Critical God Distant God Atheist    
Total 31.4 23.0 16.0 24.4 5.2    
Male 28.9 15.4 19.9 28.0 7.8    
Female 33.6 30.4 12.3 21.0 2.7    
Experiences with.... Alt. Medicine Horoscope Psychic Haunted Houses Ouija Board Prophetic Dream UFO
Total 27.7 28.0 12.5 21.5 7.5 43.0 17.2
Male 24.8 19.3 5.4 17.3 4.0 38.7 17.9+
Female 30.3 35.7 18.7 25.1 10.6 46.8 16.5+
+ indicates that sex differences are not statistically significant for this sample

Again, I'll open up comments. The main thing which I would note from above is that a significally greater proportion of males self-identify as theological conservatives than females....


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I was kind of surprised that more males than females identify as Catholic. I suspect there's significant overlap between Catholic males and theologically conservative males.

a greater proportion of males identify as catholic. the sex ratio among catholics stills favors females, with males being 46%.

What is a theological conservative? I have no idea how I'd respond if someone asked me that.

they didn't specify. they just asked if people define themselves as such. if you weren't a heretical mormon you might be aware that self-conscious theological conservatives within protestantism are usually aware that they are theological conservatives ;-) (the whole conservative vs. modernism controversy, etc.) usually ideas such as biblical inerrancy, etc., as well as the literality of biblical events and such are bracketed into the concept.

btw, if you read the survey (i recommend people do), 27.3% of evangelicals, 14.5% of mainliners and 21% of catholics defien themselves as theologically conservative....

First, I gotta reiterate my distrust in all such surveys, given that they're usually conducted by telephone and thus miss many cell-phone users, call screeners, etc.

It's striking that political polls usually show women as more liberal than men, but that's reversed "theologically" here. It also seems anomalous that more women than men are "bible believing" and "born again", as nearly all religious-right types would claim those labels. (And trying to make sense of the 4 mutually-exclusive flavors of god listed here baffles me entirely.)

Why is it that "mainline" is the only category to receive identical responses from both genders?

If blacks are about 13% of the overall US population, does that mean that more than half of them (mostly men) have left "Black Prot." churches?

The largest gender discrepancies are that many more women than men are in "Black Prot." churches, believe in a benevolent god, eschew atheism, and have had psychic experiences. An odd profile, but fortunately nowhere near enough to shake my long-standing admiration for the feminine in general.

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 18 Apr 2008 #permalink

I'd say that Bible-believer and Born Again sound as more fanatic categories than merely theologically conservative, that actually sounds more erudite. I f I'm not wrong, US President, G.W. Bush himself is (or was claimed to be) Born Again, while I would not expect him to be theologically anything, really.

I noted at my blog, but this seems quite different from the Pew self-identification survey. There, for instance, we had 1.3% self-identifying as Jewish while in the above we have 2.5%. In the Pew study we had about 26% identifying as Catholic while the above is about 21%. Now different years accounts for some of that. But those are some pretty big differences.

The best study on self-identification is, I believe, the one posted at SUNY which was quite extensive. Once again there are big differences in the dates conducted. The SUNY study was 2001 and I believe an other one is scheduled for 2011. They have Catholics self-identifying at 24.5%. I'm willing to believe that the sex scandals the Catholic Church faces dropped their adherents somewhat. But that much? I'd be surprised.

The SUNY study also has Jewish self-identification at 1.3%.